finished evolution boba boots!

obi sean kenobi

Well-Known Hunter
I'm trying to upload pics....





I'm working from my bb, so forgive the double post.

I just finished my evolution boba boots!

I can't take much of the credit, I used spideyfett's tutorial and followed it verbatim (albeit without his phenomenal results!).

The evo boots are missing piping on the center
stripe, so I bought some black max i-piping at the sewing section of walmart and trimmed it up and glued it on.

I'd like some feedback on the following :

1. Are the boots too dark?
2. Is the flight suit weathered enough?
3. How do the knees look?

Thanks guys!
Sean, you could use more weathering on the soles of the boots themselves and on the pant legs, definitely alot more on the bottom portion! The color of the suit itself, at least from the pics, looks perfect! (y)

I would go with what GBH said, dirty the soles with a light charcoal wash and you should be good to go. I have EVO boots, and it just goes to show they might not be very accurate but with a good weathering job they look terrific.
Sean, you could use more weathering on the soles of the boots themselves and on the pant legs, definitely alot more on the bottom portion! The color of the suit itself, at least from the pics, looks perfect! (y)


I agree with GBH!!!!!!!!!!!

I use 3 colours:

1. Light Sandy Colour
2. Medium Brown
3. Black

I would go with what GBH said, dirty the soles with a light charcoal wash and you should be good to go. I have EVO boots, and it just goes to show they might not be very accurate but with a good weathering job they look terrific.

TR 4059

I agree also with TR 4059!!!!!!!!!!

The evo boots is not accurate but with their weathering job they were perfect, friend!!!!!!!!!!!!

I keep hearing how lite these boots are. Do they look like the stitching and fabric will hold up to trooping or marching in a parade? I need better boots, and these look like the only option unless Caboots finds a new maker.
I think you did a great job on the boots Sean. I agree with everyone on the weathering on the pants... definitely needs more.
Hi Sean ,great work you done on your Evo boots (y),as you mentioned that Gaby missed the piping on the boots ,you could have saved the time by asking gaby to remod the boots befor or after purchase ,as i bought a ESB cape from gaby at evo in which he sent me the cape in the wrong colours i emailed gaby later in which he remade me another cape in the correct colours,anyways again nice work (y)

The point is the more info we have to tell these vendors the more they can improve there services ;)
Looks pretty good OSK! I'm NOT a big fan ofthese boots, but it shows that with some TLC they can look pretty good! Also I reiterate what the others said about the flightsuit. color look good, maybe a tad on the lightish side in general, but that could be from flash/lighting. I would weather it up more, specifically from the knees down. If you look at the ref pics, its practically the same darkness as the boots around the ankles.
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