Anyone have that high rez offical pix ESB shot used as reference for the JB project? Compared to the brass looking dental expander the missile cone looks copper.
Ok now I'm confussed. I have seen the MoM pix and it looks gold to me. I painted mine gold, but the ESB I thought was red. Why have I seen a red warhead on the missile? Was it just someones on flop?
Ok now I'm confussed. I have seen the MoM pix and it looks gold to me. I painted mine gold, but the ESB I thought was red. Why have I seen a red warhead on the missile? Was it just someones on flop?

Never heard of anyone confusing any of the rockets to be red???????????? Anywho, the MOM pics are of ROTJ gauntlets, so that doesn't gove any diffinitive proff of what the ESB's should be. I've been Round & round with many folks concerning the ESB rocket tip color!!!!!!!!!!!! Enough to make me sick!!!!!!!!:lol: Do whatever looks right to you!!!!!! My vote is still copper.

Expander brass color, Cone Copper.
I don't have the pic at work right now, but there is also a still (where vader comes out & talks to Fett after torturing Han in the bespin hall) Where you can see both the grip on the Webly, (which we know is Brass,) and the rocket cone in the same shot. The cone is obvioulsy much darker than the brass grip!!! I'm sure somebody has that pic.
Here it is: I guess everybody still has their own opinions on it, but this shot in particular seals the deal for me personally of the cone being copper.


  • copper.brass.bmp
    2.8 MB · Views: 260
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