Fan Boys DVD

we did a midnight run to wallmart and picked this up last night... i really enjoyed the movie, i wish there was more special features.

love how the vans license plate is Slave2
Rented mine at hastings. Probably not going to buy it though. Movie was better than i expected, could have done better in theaters, especially since it was done by the weinstein brothers etc... could have done a nation wide theater release.
Not yet,
I'll probably get one tonight ;)

stay tuned...

I didn't get the DVD, but i got this tonight instead;
I picked up a copy. Loved it! Lots of funny moments.
I'm going to have to watch it again and do a lot of pausing to check out some of the stuff the characters have in their collections. :)
i spy with my little eye a dp95! i really liked it. i'm hoping for an unrated version, i think the jokes could have been a little more edgy.
Rats - no joy.

BB said they had three copies, but nobody knew where they were. Place has so many different places that they put DVD's it's a wonder they can find anything. :angry

Did manage to finally snag a copy of GalaxyQuest though, which I had not been able to find before. So not a total loss.
last night manda'galaar aliit, the mandalorian mercs costuming club's LA based clan, trooped the fanboys dvd release party along with the 501st and rebel legion. this event was started when kyle newman emailed me and asked us to be there. of course i was stoked and said "yes" emphatically! i also asked if we could invite the 501st and rl to join us. he had no contancts with them and he replied with an emphatic "yes!" of his own. i contacted jarrrell naas, the mmcc 501st west coast liason and put out a request for 10 members of each group to attend and they did! the overall feeling was great and i think positive bridges were built that will carry on into the future.

sadly, by the time we made it into the store, the movie was sold out. not to worry though, i hit a walmart on the way home and grabbed my copy!

the event was a blast, costumer, fan and celebrities were in great moods and interactly freely! we managed to pose for severl pix with the 501st and rebel legion as well as dozens with fans and stars. sadly, we had no one out of armor with us to take more pix for us. was at the event and conducted fan interviews and too several pix of all the characters for the official website!

here are a few pix, from vid sybot, of the event. hopefully i will have more to put up soon from my brother's camera, cer'jos camera and any i can get from our friends in the two legions!




Here are some more pix!











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What, no photos with the Mando's Nate??? :lol:

I did a local DVD release party here in San Diego. The Director of Fanboys, Kyle Newman showed up and signed copies.

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