Bobamaker order unboxing


Jr Hunter
Yeah, I know another Bobamaker review but it truly deserves it. So after months of waiting, a wait extended due to Daz's accident, I received my Bobamaker order. The order consisted of: helmet, jet pack, flightsuit, vest, gloves, pouches, spats, shin tools and toe spikes all painted and weathered ROTJ stylee :jet pack. The workmanship and artistry is awesome. Yes it is truly awesome. The jet pack is amazing, little details like weathering the tabs you screw the door onto make you go wow. The soft parts are great and fit perfectly, I think I need to lose a little wait. The weathering is great; I didn't even notice the subtle weathering on the vest when I got it out. All in all amazing work, well worth the wait and cost. I can truly reccomend Daz to anyone. Shipping was quick and everything was very well padded. :D:D

I also received my chest lights from Fettronics today. Exactly what I expected and looks great. :)

Here are some pics of the unboxing. I apologise for the quality, they were taken with my webcam.

Images should be working now.






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umm where are the pics?

But yes, I replaced a lot of my SFP **** with Daz's products and I have yet to come across any problems. He's wonderful to work with right from questions prior to ordering, keeping in contact after ordering, staying on schedule, and a great final product. While on deployment, more of my money will be saved so I can order his helmet and more of his gear. It's well worth the wait.
There we go! Now I can see them! Looks awesome! Get some better pics when you have the chance so we can see the detail!
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