recaster alert - 12fish34

I contacted him tonight and here is what he had to say when I asked if it was indeed an efx and for more pics...."Hello, It is very similar insize to the efx helmet.
Sorry, but no other pics at this time."

mmmhmmm! thats what I though he'd say! LOL
I thought recasting lisenced props were a grey area that we sort of look away at. I know some of us out there have MR Recasts of the Boba helmet.
I thought recasting lisenced props were a grey area that we sort of look away at. I know some of us out there have MR Recasts of the Boba helmet.

people don't seem to care much about discontinued products. recasting a current licensed item is, if nothing else, a great way to get slapped with a c&d or worse.
people don't seem to care much about discontinued products. recasting a current licensed item is, if nothing else, a great way to get slapped with a c&d or worse.
I figured that was probably the case, but seems like people are paying an unusually large about of attention to this guy. I don't frequent the RPF, so I can't confirm the validity of my statement, hah.
the issue with him in particular seems to be that he's been skirting around the issue on a lot of fan made stuff too, and this is just sort of the icing on the cake.
I figured that was probably the case, but seems like people are paying an unusually large about of attention to this guy. I don't frequent the RPF, so I can't confirm the validity of my statement, hah.

He has recast everything he has purchased from ebay. If you look at his buys, he even bought the Thurston James book to learn how to mold items. Everything he sells is a recast.

So anyone selling their fan made item will be forewarned not to sell to this guy.

I imagine that this guy is not part of ANY artistic community, just a guy who wants to make a buck.
He has recast everything he has purchased from ebay. If you look at his buys, he even bought the Thurston James book to learn how to mold items. Everything he sells is a recast.

So anyone selling their fan made item will be forewarned not to sell to this guy.

I imagine that this guy is not part of ANY artistic community, just a guy who wants to make a buck.
hahaha, he bought a book about mold making?? That's hilarious, his props seem to look pretty clean though for someone who's never molded before. I don't even know the first step of casting.
its actually a girl her name is stacey, I did get a clone epi III from her on ebay for my birthday last feb from my wife she doesnt have any idea about what recasting is, before I saw this thread and stacey even wanted to do some trades with my halo helmet and chest mold when she saw pics on my thread over at the 405th and I thought it was odd that she wanted a copy of my chest since I'm probably bigger than her. but I'm worried now if she is just recasting other peoples stuff and selling it,

now the helmet she sent me however had some flaws in it that need some fixing, for example its lopsided in the back and the chin is bent in a little and there are chips and dents in it, but that could just be from the mold. but I cant tell if she recasted it from something without seeing what it might origonally came from, here is a pic of the helmet she sent me next to my halo helmet cast, if anyone wants better pics to confirm let me know I'll use my nice camera instead of my cell phone


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I've been trying to get a refund from her or a better pull because my ROTS helmet is pretty bad. Stupidly, I left positive feedback before I thoroughly examined it while I was out of town. She has been EXTREMELY rude and repeatedly swore at me even using the F-word. I said I would contact Ebay or Lucasfilm about her recasting...stupid move but I was getting desperate.

Long story short, her pull was TERRIBLE, and she was very very rude.....I wish I would have seen this before I bought it....flea-bay did it again!!!!!!!
This recaster has set up a new ebay name: bumblebug70

She is selling the same stuff, but not 10 listings of the same product.
NEVER NEVER BUY FROM THIS LADY!!! I just had to file two claims after she repeatedly swore at me in emails and tried to get me to send her a Rorschach mask for a refund. Is she crazy?! All recasters are con artists and scumbags. Her items aren't even worth $15. They are THAT bad.
I really wish that there was some way to clamp down on recasters. It's a shame that people out there would do stuff like that just to make a buck off people's love for a hobby. I'm new to this and am planning on joining up with the 501st, and feel that there needs to be more done to stop those that recast!
I didnt know the issue of the recasters until just now, but my experience with this seller is so far negative.

I had ordered from them (please dont kill me i didnt know) the Imperial Guardsman helm on an aution that was at its lowest point for the starting bid so i figured i got a good deal, but then shortly thereafter all of the sudden *POOF* this ebayer is no longer registered, and i dont have my helm nor a refund, so paypal is currently "looking" in to it...

Meanwhile i am seeking to fab one myself as a "reward/punishment" to
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