I know a thousand people are probably going to groan at this, but two things TDH has always shied away from are black based shirts and the Bantha skull because we felt both had been done to death and then some. Maybe the time has come to break one of those traditions (still... no black shirts!!!) and do a bantha-skull shirt.

Actually... we already have that in the works but there have been some unforseen delays that will probably mean no bantha skull this time, but trust me... I have already seen the preliminary work and when we finally release it, it will be like no bantha skull you have seen before!
I had this design? awhile back.. i was going to tweak it but your feel free to use the concept. It was going to be 4 colors, on the back i would dumped the text and do something fancy with the front although, i had to keep it to one side to keep costs down. Min colors is probably the best to keep costs down anyways, Also I'm sure you guys are looking for something more aggressive.


Simple, retro, and I want to put some words on the front, but I can't decide which to use:

Huntin' Ain't Easy

I <3 Bounty Hunters

Bounties Don't Collect Themselves

Fett. All Day, Everyday.

"The Dented Helmet"

Why don't you try to make it simple, make it just like the armor with the crest on the right chest and the mythasaur skull on the left sleeve ( if I got that right )
enough with the small designs! someone do something huge! Paying almost 20 bucks for a shirt that is pretty much plain with a small amount of writting or a small design on the front is a rip off. The one Art posted is sweet cause it fills up alot of the shirt. I've got a couple ideas and if I can get my computer to work for longer than 10 min without freezing up I'll be able to make them. Also I've got an idea for a zip up hoodie. Have a T D H across the front. Then on the hood put the dent. Simple but sweet. I'll try and get something up in the next couple days.
I don't know if we should leave it plain like I have it or try to modernize it a bit with some additional artwork... Thoughts?

I guess speaking for myself, I would prefer to see it unchanged. Part of the allure of that design for me, 1. it is a pre ESB design and quite possibly, the first commercially available rendering of Fett, and 2, it is kinda rare, and seldom seen. If you had not scored that cup a few years back Art, would anyone else have picked up on it, or would we even know about it???? Just my thoughts: Its already a great design, and has kindof a history. Leave it unmodified. Of course, I am really liking all the other stuff that folks are coming up with too...but I have wanted a shirt with that old design on it ever since I first saw it!!!
Yeah... I know a lot of people really liked it when it was on the frontpage. Two of those cups had to give up their lives so we could have the artwork... Might as well make it worth it, but I am still very interested in seeing everyone else's ideas! My question has always been about that cape... it looks.... furry!
Then on the hood put the dent. Simple but sweet. I'll try and get something up in the next couple days.

I love hoodies and believe it or not, years and years ago, we did some... but they were very expensive compared to standard T-shirts and did not sell well at all.
Im a huge fan of 2d vector just looks clean and makes for pretty cool shirts.

I did a design based on symbols. Since we pride ourselves on knowing the obscure, I thought this would be kinda cool.

This design could work with the art flipped also, logo on the back, graphic on the front.

Pictured the shirt itself being gray/charcoal (not black)

Really dig the simplicity of this shirt, i really like it in this color as well.

I had this design? awhile back.. i was going to tweak it but your feel free to use the concept. It was going to be 4 colors, on the back i would dumped the text and do something fancy with the front although, i had to keep it to one side to keep costs down. Min colors is probably the best to keep costs down anyways, Also I'm sure you guys are looking for something more aggressive.


Totally dig this shirt, but I think if you did it you would need to do one for each Fett, ROTJ, ESB and JANGO's. I would totally get a jango shirt like this in a heartbeat! :cheers
Very nice Corrose!!!!!!!!! I'm diggin both of your 2 designs there!!!! The first one esecially I find refresshing and original!!! To make it even more about the prepro bantha skull instead of the ROTJ????? I don't think I've ever seen a shirt with the more "bird-like" prepro skull on it!!
Jango's kid, Yeah thats a good idea actually, going away from the bantha skull we know so well helps keep it more obscure. And the idea is that people that see this shirt only know what it's about if they are Fett-heads.

If it gets picked I'm very open to making that adjustment. Good call.

- Chris
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