Evolutions boba boots review!


Active Hunter
Got my new boots from Evolutions today and I wanted to post a
review for everybody. The fit is great and as for size I wear an 11
in some shoes and a 10 1/2 in others so I ordered an 11 and they fit
just right. They are super light , great for trooping! The construction
is top notch as well. It did take about six weeks to get them though
but coming from South America that should be expected. All in all I would
recommened them for the price!

Those look better than the last pictures I have seen. How do they look durability wise? Will the stitching hold up to the rigors of trooping? Or will the soles last a decent amount of time? They look like they are just cloth with little or no reinforcement inside.
They appear to be assembled like sneakers. I'll bet they are just as durable, and I don't forsee anyone jumping around in puddles or mowing the lawn in these. The material looks like nylon (like what my kid's backpack is made of), so it should hold up to a fair bit of abuse.
Cool! Thx for the review, Woodman. I thought I'd give Evolution a try too, is the only one making them for now. Waited for a year to have someone on the TDH come through making these. Can't wait now to get them.
how dare you highjack my... just kidding LOL! the fabric is a multi-layer type of breathable stuff. When I said they were light boy did I mean it I would swear your
socks weigh more! Plus if your short not to worry the soles are at least 1 1/2 or so thick!
It's like wearing lifts ,not that I would know 5'9" isnt short is it? anyway I wouldnt try digging a ditch with them on but who does that in a pair of $115 shoes. $90 for the boots and $25 shipping. by the way he will combine shipping. also when I ordered I just sent a messege with my ebay and told him the size. Good luck my brothers!
anyway I wouldnt try digging a ditch with them on but who does that in a pair of $115 shoes.
I do, but I own chainsaw boots (made to clog a chainsaw before it cuts your foot off) for clearing out land the old fashioned way. There's a thing here in Tx called "mile-a-minute weed", which is a thorny viny kind of thing that spreads all over everything. I get to clear that stuff out so the machinery can get thru.

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Awesome woodman!!! Did you order Evo's toe spikes too??? I just ordered a pair of boots and gloves not too long ago... waitin on them :)

no didnt get the toe spikes thought i'd try to make some myself but I did get some gloves too. I am going to post a seperate thread about them. P.S. they are great too!
I just ordered my evo boots with the changes. In 6 weeks we'll hopefully see how the changes look!

Did he send you pictures of the changes?? I've been working with him quite a bit over the last month or two, and last week he said they weren't in yet because the workshop has been slow. I'd love to see some pictures if you have some.

I finally got mine in. Took three weeks and no fault to EVO. He shipped them out on the 13th and I got them on may 6th. They are light and very comfortable. It will take a little time to fully break them in sole wise. No pix yet as I want to weather them first. I am happy with them though.
I ordered their toe spikes as they had to custom make my boots (men's size 5). The other toe spikes I had were far too wide across the middle and there was no fixing that. Evolution was kind enough to make a pair that specifically fit my little boots.....that the other guys in my Garrison are referring to as poorly fit gloves..... hahahahaha
I got mine too and weathered them up... They are very comfy... I was concerned with ordering a size 13 but they got it right on. Now the only test left is the durability of a troop :)

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