General Thade (Planet of the Apes) build

Love it or hate it (Tim Burtons remake that is), you have to admit that Thade was a cool character.

So I'm in the process of developing a plan to build Thades costume.
Have experimented with the facial prosthetic before (see pic below) but reckon I could do a lot better with a custom made piece. The costume pieces in the photo below are just cheap rubies stuff, just for the sake of this shoot.


I'm hoping to get my hands on a screen used chimp helmet to modify, they appear on ebay occasionally in an open auction, missed out on some before.
If not, I will have to build it from scratch or commission someone else to do it.

The rest of the armour and greeblies will be sculpted in clay on a mannequin, molded in rubber and cast in fibreglass. Have been practising my sculpting skills on these gold monkeys:


Definitely the most difficult part will be the undersuit, kind of a mixture of leather effect chainmail and fur. Have some rough ideas floating around, anyone else have suggestions, please feel free to add.

Hopefully by the end of next year, it will look something like this:


This is going to be easy :wacko, any ideas good or bad, or any suggestions on were to get anything Thade, please let me know. There is a Thade sword and backplate on ebay, a little out of my price range unfortunately :lol:

Have ordered the sculpting materials so I'll get stuck into this project in January. More progress to follow.
Really don't like the remake of POTA,but Thade is a pretty cool in the movie.I see alot of screen used stuff from the remake on Ebay.

Yes there is a lot of screen used stuff for sale on ebay but anything related to Thade is very expensive, would rather build from scratch than pay those prices.
You did a good job on the chest monkeys. This will be interesting to watch develop. It is a really cool suit. So you say your doing all the armor pieces in fiberglass? How do you plan to do the bodysuit below the armor? It looks like a thick material.
Really nice work.

I have a question. How do you adhere it to your skin and still be able to reuse the prosthetic without damaging it?

My wife and did the classic Planet of the Apes makeup a few years ago. We used spirit gum to glue the mask down, but the prosthetic was destroyed when we used the remover.
Really nice work.

I have a question. How do you adhere it to your skin and still be able to reuse the prosthetic without damaging it?

My wife and did the classic Planet of the Apes makeup a few years ago. We used spirit gum to glue the mask down, but the prosthetic was destroyed when we used the remover.

Excuse the late reply, I used prosaide and removed it with isopropyl alcohol (IPA). IPA does not swell foam latex like other removers, prosaide is much stronger and more comfortable to use than spirit gum.
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