Kid Jango armor project


Well-Known Hunter
My son has shown interest in building another suit so this will be a project we tackle together. We started with some gelcoat pulls of BKBT armor and went from there. All of the upper body pieces were reduced to a .75 scale of the BKBT parts. The leg pieces will be reduced to .85 scale to allow for trimming. We should have the shins and shoulders done in a few days, however, both the cod and backplate may prove to be tricky. My hope is to mold the pieces so vac-form bucks can be created for producing light weight and economical armor for our little Jangos/Mandos here.:)

Let us know if there are any suggestions or recommendations.:thumbsup:








Cruzer, looking good. How old / what age is your Jango Jnr armour? I am wanting to build a scale JP for when my clone gets big enough or I get time which ver happens first :lol:

Another question for ya. How tall is your son? I may be interested in picking up a set or two from ya if you end up doing a run (keeps fingers crossed). :D
Bobby Fett UK, I've always thought it'd be cool to make a kid sized jp, but it's never been anything more than a thought. I've seen your full size jp:eek:, so please put me at the top of the list if you ever do a kid sized.:thumbsup:

TB750, my son is 11.5 years old, about 60" in height, and on the thin side.

After looking at the comparison shots of the chest pieces, it looks like the scale of the bottom area is off, which is throwing off the ab plate. So we're going to go back to the drawing board and creating new pieces. The scale of the chest armor is crucial in my opinion, so I want it to be perfect.:thumbsup:

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Cruzer...let me in on any props you make for Jango...I'm still interested..I got someone to make me a kid jango bucket...just need

--girth belt
--gun sling for kid
--jet pack that look decent
--nice black boots for kid
--gauntlets (i have a pair, but would love a pair of Cruzer's)

pics to come on my thread when jumpssuit and vest come from Lady sew for us...with hopefully some of Cruzers gear
Just like cupluv, I am in need of all that stuff listed except for a helmet(was going to use a premade one). My son is 10 and 5'1" and I have had the jumpsuit and vest since Halloween....I would love the chance to finish his costume with quality stuff.
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