Metallboys OSCS EP3 update 4/21/09


Well-Known Hunter
Hello my fellow TDH board members , I haven't posted much on this board in a long time nor have I been working on any SW props for a while and I just want to drop in here to show you guys the progress on my new commitment to this project wich began a week ago. So far I am done with my ROTJ Boba Fett for now:) now my new passion is the ROTS 501st Clone trooper. Of course wich better way to begin if its not with the helmet and then later on with the armor. I tried posting pics here but for some reason its not uploading my images , so here is a link to my photbucket. WIP/

update 4/21/09 WIP/WIP update/?albumview=slideshow
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Hey, that's looking really good! I have what I believe is a MR Recast, so it is all one piece. It's pretty interesting to see how they pulled off the two pieces. Looks like everything locks together pretty snug though! That's some nice bondo work, did you fill all the holes/dents for the most part? It's hard to tell if it's really smooth or not after primer. Looks good!
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Yes I did fill all the imperfections all around the helmet most of the errors were due to the natural pulls from the mold but no biggie it was fun to do, Oh yeah one thing ''I did not'' mention was that the helmet fell of my hands and hit the concrete floor during the first 2 days of sanding down and cleaning it up and it cracked in 3 pieces, this is the reason why I reinforced it with fiberglass after gluing it together. As of the faceplate coming off I cut it out just like everyone else is pretty much doing it. I used a mini hobby hand saw wich I picked up at Michaels art store.
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