Seattle Zam Progress

Ah. Good point. Okay, I'll try some finish remover first then.

Hey, MaulMaus and anyone else who wants to comment, how did you attach your hoses to the black connectors, and how did you attach the black connectors to the vest? Did you fashion a male/female connection, magnets, or what?

And what hose did you use? I got mine and it's a bit big. Thanks!

Hey Fangs,

I added resolene to the shin guards tonight and it took them from dark purple to dark purple with black appearance to it, just like the pictures. Do a test patch! It might get that last bit o' color you're trying to get.

I decided to resolene them so they would be waterproof. Doing the boots next as I covered them in colored leather.

Thanks Skirata! And thanks for your help on the gun, too. It's going to be assembled tomorrow.

how did you attach your hoses to the black connectors, and how did you attach the black connectors to the vest? Did you fashion a male/female connection, magnets, or what?
I went to Home Depot and found some connectors in the plumbing section that fit inside the hose and epoxied the connectors on the pieces they attach to. It seems to work well with the hoses.

Do your black connectors screw apart? I just made a large button hole in the vest and screwed the black connector apart, put it through the vest, and screwed it back together.

The hoses I used were from a Black and Decker snake light extension, the original ones I had gotten were so stiff I was having trouble getting them to stay where they were supposed to.
Thanks Blue, that helps. I got my shins/ankles/boots together last night and found a few more glitches.

The screws and bolts in the shins/ankles connection press right into the ankle bones on me (which are prominent on me). Anyone else having this problem? After I sheared the extra screw off (like the tutorial), it was better, but it still bites in a bit. I'm worried about long parades and stuff.

And then the snap on the bottom right refuses to stay snapped. It broke the cap from the inner bit once already, but it just won't stay snapped.

Did your ankle guards float up as you walk? How did you fix that, and where did you put any fixes? I am betting velcro or magnets on the inside sides of the ankle guard, but that's my bet...


I know that Jamie never got her snaps to stay done up for long and ended up just using velcro. I was just going to put the snaps on for show and go straight to velcro. As for the screw digging in......perhaps if you cover it with some craft foam that might be thin enough to not add bulk but just enough padding to keep it from digging a hole.
Oh good thought, thanks.

I also mapped out the relative hues of purple on every plate in the skirt, would people want the "map"? I can post it somewhere, I suppose. Got a good back view of Zam in the Prequel Chronicles book. This "map" isn't the authority, of course, affected by hidden plates, my opinion, and flash, but it does give you a starting point.

Working on the skirt to finish it up today so I can move on to the helmet and chest assembly; gotta finish dying stuff this weekend, then paint greeblies and start tuning the thing while it's on.

I already noticed that freshly resolened leather against resolened leather squeeks like a duck in heat. Talcum powder or baby powder or corn starch powder will stop that.

6 days to go.

Hey gang...

Just got back from the con. Happy to say, I got it done enough to wear. Embarassed to say that I had troubles with greeblies falling off, gloves reading the wrong color on camera, etc, but hey - it's at least to a point where fixes are a little easier.

I'll post pics as soon as they come in, I couldn't carry my camera on me and wear this at the same time.

And to all you other zammers out there - whoa. My respect for you has just gone up even higher, if that's possible. That skirt, I don't care what thickness leather you make it out of, it gets heavy!! I lasted about 7 hours the first day and only 3 hours the second.

And by all means, break in your boots before you put all the stuff on them. Good graces.

Pics coming!

Woo Hoo!!! Congrats... Now you're a real trooper! :D ERm... Bounty Hunter! :D :cheers Yep.. gotta have some sorta mishaps :lol:

Looking forward to those pictures !!!!
Having seen it at the con Saturday, I can honestly say that you should be DROOLING to see pics!(y)
The costume looked fantastic, and the work involved showed through like a beacon.
Excellent work(y)
Okay, okay. Pics. But let's state this for the record, I am very disappointed with how parts of this turned out, and I want to replace some parts immediately. I also think I look as fat as a whale in this thing, and I'm changing the belt's position before the next troop (and that's in two days).

It also ate into my ankle bones, made huge divots where the bolts have the locking nuts inside the shins. Ideas? The leather around the back of the neck held up the chest armor, but cut my neck open (it's a real troop if you're bleeding, right?). I also got cut by one of the gauntlets somehow, I'm still not sure how that happened (prob the plastic black stuff inside the arm cuff).

Thanks to all my garrison peeps and other artists who assisted on this. Women: Be warned, this kit is heavy and uncomfortable to wear!! Try clone or TK first, it's worse!!




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More pics coming, they are still processing them. And we're trooping again in a few days, so we'll have more after Nowescon this weekend.

Happy moment: Learning to holster my gun without looking.

Even happier moment: Getting my pic with the three Battlestar Galactica actors who play the characters Helo, Sol, and Galen (Chief). Whoo hoo!!! I de-armored for that.

Wow! You did an AMAZING job! Congrats! And as is typical for any Bounty Hunter....they are never ending in upgrades and tweaks.

How'd you do with all the greeblies on your leg and arm? Did they stay up okay? I was thinking of adding snaps so the attached right to the neoprene and the straps were only for show.
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