Sons new armor

Wow, I thought I had posted pix of my son's new armor here but, I guess I didn't!

Anyway, my son handed down his Ordo Skirata armor to my GF's son in exchange for a new set. So, using a trashcan, home made templates and a rubies 2 piece Jango bucket (yeah, it's huge on him! he looks like a Funko boblehead!), I built his new set: Kohm'rk Skirata!








Ive been wondering for awhile now. Are you just using names from the republic commando books? Or are you actually asking karen how she would imagine how the armor of those characters would look? No disrespect, just curious.
none taken.

when karen was active on her yahoo group, i was activly in communicatio with her about character designs etc. however, i haven't been in contact with her in awhile. she saw my jaing skirata at sdcc 08 and signed the bucket. she loved the kit. at this point, i'm relying on the very limited descriptions provided in the books for these designs. that coupled with my imagination and trying to follow the personality traits she's built into the characters. at the moment i'm using the characters as i really like them. in the event she went a different direction with their appearances, i would be open to making specific changes to all the kits, except the jaing which she's already liked and the a'den which i like to much to change. if my a'den didn't "pass muster", i would simply change my characters name.
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