Painting Schedule for first half of 2009.

Studio Fett

Active Hunter
I am trying to get my list of personal paintings/commissions scheduled out for the first half of 2009. Here is what I have, if I missed someone, I apologize, please let me know, and I can add it on the list.

These are not necessarily in the order they will be completed but should be pretty close. Paying work comes first, sorry guys.

Studio Fett-The Trophy painting-Completed

Seven-Budget Fett Logo design- Completed

Man Of War Studios-Logo design-Completed

Studio Fett-Rebel Assault painting-Completed

Studio Fett-Battle on Hoth (Based on Photos of Gilmore of OK)-Painting almost complete

Skupilkinson-Mirror Image (Generations)-Completed

Webchief-Boba Piece-Delibirating on rough draft

Studio Fett-Vader's Fist painting (Based on Gino's amazing photographs)- Rough Draft complete

Studio Fett-Boba Attack painting (Based upon Mr Fett's killer photos)-Rough Draft complete


Here's what Studio Fett has delivered so far for the first half of 2009:




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i would love to see some work... and may help you, publicity wise.

As you Wish...

I just wanted to give a recap of just some of the artwork Studio Fett delivered for 2008.










We do have prints of all of these, if there is a big enough interest, I will put them up on the cargo hold.

Also there is tons of sketched/painted practice work and all kinds of other goodies on our website:
dude i am an artist, and currently am in school for photo shop etc. and love your art. i mean i have to give you mad props on the han in carbonite, fore i have tried and not succeeded. mad props
dude i am an artist, and currently am in school for photo shop etc. and love your art. i mean i have to give you mad props on the han in carbonite, fore i have tried and not succeeded. mad props

Thanks brother! Photoshop is the best, I am self taught, so it has taken a lot of practice!!! Plus some tips I picked up along the way from other artists and websites.

Here is my latest painting:


OK, Did you want just Boba or did you want to do a combo of Boba and Vader? Not sure what type of composition you wanted to do.
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