(Mostly) Finished Jango Fett Open Seasons

well, dont forget the mando mercs too!


LOL I will!

Anyway, the night went well! The kids lloved my costume as well as the 3 other Star Wars costumes there. I didn't get many pics with my camera, but once other people get theirs out, I'll try to get more up. Here are the best ones.





And us with the winners of the costume contest.



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I love the look on the kid in the brown nike T-shirt's face, he's cool, but I am scared of him!

Having said that, that Charlie Chaplin looked more evil than old Darth!

I love the look on the kid in the brown nike T-shirt's face, he's cool, but I am scared of him!

Having said that, that Charlie Chaplin looked more evil than old Darth!

LOL I'll tell him you said that, he's one of the teachers there. And that kid did that exact pose about 12 times last night haha, as did many of the other ones. It was funy how alot of them stared at me, but when Vader came up behind me they ran away.

There was only one little girl who was actually scared of me, her dad was trying to get her to drink from the fountain and I happened to be walking by. She looked up at me and made a crying sound, I felt so bad! I left quickly...

nice job dude! looks awesome :)

Thanks TLobe, alot of credit goes to you for your awesome chest plates!
Oh, I forgot to mention, my Dad is the one in the Tusken. He decided 2 weeks ago he wanted to do a Star Wars costume for that night and managed to finish it before then, lol!
I sent in my pictures and application to the 501st! Yay! Still waiting for more of those pictures to come in from friends... will post once I get them :D
I thought about venturing down the Open Seasons road as well to go along with my Jango EP II costume... question though... what red color did you use?

Thanks dude,
I used the Krylon Burgundy Satin Finish Spray Paint. I was able to get it at Wal-Mart and the local hardware store. I can post a pic of the can, if you'd like :D
hmm, wasn't accurate enough... well I am glad I haven't submitted my app yet, cause they would probably tell me the same thing then.
Give it a shot, apparently it all depends on your garrison's GML. Mine decided that my costume wasn't accurate enough :lol:

I could really care less, I'm going to join the Mando Mercs anyway, and when I finish up my Officer Uniform (Since I've always wanted one of those anyway) I'll just join with that lol.
I know it's been awhile since Ive posted on this thread, but here it is!

I recently attended a D.A.R.E. graduation and was asked by the Chief of Police here to come wearing my Jango OS! His son is Darth Vader, lol, and while he couldn't make it, one of his friends came wearing the suit. While I still haven't gotten the chance to fix the little flaw on my gauntlet (I messed up the alignment) it was still fun!

Here a couple I have right now to post and there should be one or two more at home I will post later.

These were pics of me walking around scaring little kids (Or them scaring me, I dont know for sure :lol:) before the actual graduation started.

Posing for the Camera


Walking by...


The Official "My Girlfriend Would Kill Me if She Saw I Posted Her Pics on the Internet" Shot :lol: I kept my cool during that pic... was very proud of myself

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Thanks, Ord!

Here are a couple more

I'm not really sure what I was doing here, but I like how this pic turned out :lol:


This is one with the D.A.R.E. Officer and McGruff the Crime Dog!


And this is a video I uploaded. It was filmed by my girlfriend, she was helping my Dad D.J. the event (Since I was all dressed up) and that's why the music is so loud. This is me coming in behind all of the kids. Darth Vader came in front of them.



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I've been off TDH for awhile, but decided to check in and saw a reply to my old thread! Thanks, Worktron, appreciate it! I still troop around in this from time to time at local Charity events. Lots of fun!
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