Why no BACARA in clone wars???


Active Hunter
So why is it that we see all the commanders except for Bacara. Will he be coming up in the last few episodes or is there no hope to see him.
Don't forget that there are more seasons to come. Plenty of time to see different characters in action. He may be in season 2 or 3 or what ever, you'll just have to wait.
yeah, they have already been showing some new clone stuff for season 2. the production folks brought an eFX helmet painted up in wolfe's new design to a con recently.

so there's plenty of time for bacara!
There are many Clone Commanders who we have yet to see. Aside from Commander Bacara there is:

-Commander Neyo
-Commander Appo
-Commander Deviss
-Commander Keller

So don't worry about it we will see those guys soon along with Bacara
There are many Clone Commanders who we have yet to see. Aside from Commander Bacara there is:

-Commander Neyo
-Commander Appo
-Commander Deviss
-Commander Keller

So don't worry about it we will see those guys soon along with Bacara

Keller DID appear ^_^
There's a petition going to try and get the RC's in the series. The link is in my signature. Not sure if it will make a difference but I think it's worth a shot!
I would love to see the ARCs and the RCs in there as well. As for Commander Keller's appearance, I don't think he has appeared yet. If you're thinking of the one episode on Pantora, the only clone named at all was Rex. Commander Keller's Wookieepedia entry only has him listed as appearing in Star Wars Republic: Into The Unkown.
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