EP III ARC Trooper - What do they look like?


Well-Known Hunter
Does anybody know of any ref photos of an EP III ARC Trooper? I know a lot of the clone upgraded parts from EP II to EP III, look at Cody as an example. If there are no ref photos, what do you think the armor would look like? Would it still have the RF?
The only pix of a bona-fide Phase II ARC are of Alpha 17 in the Star Wars Obsession comics. I know there are more out there but, I could only find this one online...


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Captain Fordo from the Clone Wars Cartoon wore phase II armor at the battle of coruscant... and has jaig eyes!



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You have to remember that the clone wars lasted only 3 years. During that time period they transitiond to the phase 2 clone armor. No one knows when during that time frame this transition actual took place.

So yes there were some PH2 ARCs however (and you cant rely on the CW cartoon series for story reliablity) Most of your Alpha series ARCs became the commanders we were so familiar with in EP3. Cody, Gree, Bly, ect. Alpha was the first ARC and would have probably become the commander of the 501st had he not been killed off by Ventress just months prior to EP3 battle of corresant. (REX in the series plays Alphas comic role verbadem!!) Fordo was also killed close to the end of the clone wars.
You have to remember that the clone wars lasted only 3 years. During that time period they transitiond to the phase 2 clone armor. No one knows when during that time frame this transition actual took place.

So yes there were some PH2 ARCs however (and you cant rely on the CW cartoon series for story reliablity) Most of your Alpha series ARCs became the commanders we were so familiar with in EP3. Cody, Gree, Bly, ect. Alpha was the first ARC and would have probably become the commander of the 501st had he not been killed off by Ventress just months prior to EP3 battle of corresant. (REX in the series plays Alphas comic role verbadem!!) Fordo was also killed close to the end of the clone wars.

Got some continuity issues here dude...

The Alpha ARC's did not become the Commanders, they retrained them through the Marshall ARC Commander program. Also, there is no confirmation of Alpha 17 being killed by Ventress, only going MIA. In fact, there is Official Star Wars artwork of Alpha 17 in red Captains Phase I ARC kit that was supposedly worn during the second Battle of Kamino. In fact, Hasbro is proiducing that figure in a Commando's Evolutions set due out this Fall which will also include RC Fi and an Imperial Commando. As for Alpha leading the 501st if he hadn't gone MIA, highly unlikely. The Alpha ARC's did not play well with other's which is why they were generally used in solo ops and ops where a small squad, better than the RC's, was needed. The comment about Rex/Alpha 17 Alpha 17/Rex, I've read that.
You have to remember that the clone wars lasted only 3 years. During that time period they transitiond to the phase 2 clone armor. No one knows when during that time frame this transition actual took place.

So yes there were some PH2 ARCs however (and you cant rely on the CW cartoon series for story reliablity) Most of your Alpha series ARCs became the commanders we were so familiar with in EP3. Cody, Gree, Bly, ect. Alpha was the first ARC and would have probably become the commander of the 501st had he not been killed off by Ventress just months prior to EP3 battle of corresant. (REX in the series plays Alphas comic role verbadem!!) Fordo was also killed close to the end of the clone wars.

wait, where was fordo killed? Are you sure the ARCs became the commanders? I was under the impression that the commanders (cody, gree, bly, etc) received training from the ARC troopers. they were not arcs to begin with.
Lol it is kinda complex.

Basically we've seen two phase 2 ARC troopers as mentioned Alpha 17 and Fordo. Essentially it's safe to say that aside from colours and markings they look somewhat similar to Deviss and Bly and his troops.

Oh and the ARCs didn't become the Commanders - for the record
Perhaps my post wasn't clear.... the ARC's did not become the Commanders. The ARC's retrained the existing Commander's in ARC tactics. When the existing Commander's graudauted, they were given the title of Marshall ARC Commander.
The ARC you refer to were the NULL series that came before the ALPHA class.

And infact ALPHA was slain in the obsession series comics by Ventress or atleast recieved a lightsaber thru the heart. And Alpha did infact go from Blue PH1 armor to Red PH1 armor then to Blue PH2 armor then killed/ MIA by ventress.

And in the Star Wars Chronicals it states that the above mentioned commanders were ARC prior to promotion to commander.

See this the the main problem. With all the different story lines from comics, the books, to hasbro, the CW micro series, and now with the new CW series, the battles, timelines, the stories, and charcter bios will never get straight. Each intenty ivolves puts its own twist and time to it.
No, the Null's cross trained standard clone to be Spec Ops, the Alpha series retrained the Commanders. Agreed, Ventress did cut Alpha 17, actually causing paralisis which in teh SWU is a cureable condition, however, he did not die. In fact he wanted to continue to fight. He was put on a medical vessel for transport to a facility to fix him along with what was thought to be Ventress' corpse. However, she wasn't dead she was in a Sith meditation. She ended up hijacking the vessel. Then, apparently in some story that has yet to be written, Alpha 17 makes it back for the second battle of Kamino.

I haven't read the Star Wars chronicles you're refering to. Everything I rattling off is coming from Starwars.com and Star Wars Insider magazine.

I do agree that the Clone Wars Ccontinuity is getting more than a bit convaluted though. Too many cross staories, cross characters etc. To be honest, I'm not really sure how "cannon" I consider the new animated series though. It seems more to be entertainment for children as most of what it does contradicts or clouds the current known continuity. Or, perhaps Luca will say "all the rest is rubbish, the cartoon is how it went down." Who know's.

Anyway, sorry for the off topic rant!

Back to the topic of Phase II ARC's. I would think the basic Phase II ARC kit is essentially what the 327th Star Corp (Bly's guys) wear. However, the ARC's being as independant as they are, probably assembled kits however they darn well desired and mission specific at times as well.
ARC Troopers = ARC Troopers. Commanders = Commanders. ARC Troopers =/= Commanders. All the stuff between Episodes II and III that I've seen talk about the ARC Troopers (Alpha class, like Fordo, from the first series of Clone Wars cartoons) training Clone officers (not just Commanders) in advanced tactics -- a stripped-down version of the training they had gone through to become ARC Troopers. This led to more individualistic and independent officers.

I say officers here, and not Commanders, because we have one case already of a junior officer being promoted. Commander Thire of the Coruscant Shocktroopers (in Episode III) did not come out of the vat as a Commander. We met him as a Lieutenant of the (at the time) Coruscant Guard in the first episode of the current Clone Wars series.

By the time Episode III rolls around, many of the Commanders thus trained have adopted personalized kit, including some trappings of the ARC Troopers who trained them. Some sport pauldrons, some kamas, some both, some neither. Not to mention sidearms and other gear.

Since Fordo is the only canon ARC Trooper we've seen so far in Phase II armour, that's what I go by as what Phase II ARC gear (at least Alpha class) looks like. Take another look at the cartoon. That's an animated version of what Neyo's wearing in Episode III. Makes sense, considering that the "ARC" part of "BARC" stands for the same thing.

AAGGGHHH I want to see a CW battle time line!!! Who has one????

I also kept saying ventress when infact it was grevious that stuck him with a lightsaber.

I was under the impression that Alpha's battle w/ Grevious took place after the second battle on kamino not before. Just months before the battle over corresant. I am so confused. Time to break the books back down off the shelf.

Here are some pics of PH2 Alpha I have.

Alpha .jpg

OK, I could be rusty as well TC! Were there 2 or 3 battles of Kamino? The Battle from the Star Wars Battlefront game is the Battle of Kamino I'm refering to as the one that Alpha appeared in red Phase I armor... in some unsourced LFL artwork.

Peregrinus: As TC shows in the pix, Alpha 17 was also seen in Phase II ARC armor.
After further review and pulling the books down Jaing was correct but so was I. Alpha did train the commanders we know and love.

but the time line for Alpha was Kamino1 then Kamino2 then the battle of Boz pitty where grevious put him out.

all I can find about Fordo is what the Micro series gave us.
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