Mando Skull themed helmet sculpt *Pic Intense*

I'm normally not too crazy about customs, but dang..that last sketch you have posted there looks killer!!!!!!! Looks like one bad dude!!!!!
that design is fantastic! i never really thought about how to do the custom visor shapes before but i might have to play around with the idea.
Amazing sketch. Love the little details, down to the bones on the hand armour. If the costume turns out even close to the sketch, WOW!
Thanks for the kind words of encouragement guys and gals. I'm going to work a little on my girlfriend's Rav Bralor, then bust the wacom out again and work a little more on this sketch.

And to answer the question- yep that's a motorcycle visor, simply cut down to fit in the area.

Good eye on the resistors! No broken piece of technology ever leaves my home intact. Gotta harvest greeblies somewhere!;)
And a little update. After working on another project and going to the gym I played around a little more with photoshop. Here's where it stands :):


  • MandalorianExecutioner2.jpg
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Man thats cool!!!!!!! I dunno what it is, but for some reason I really like those "ribs" you have going down the outsides of the 2 chest plates!!!!!
I think you should make the ribs raised for that little touch of detail... as for the resistors, cool, I got tons of little parts like that, I got a broken memorycard adaptor, the chip from a blood glucometer, abroken chinese ipod etc.

Gotta love 'found' parts, heck I even used a retaining clip from a kids toy (retainer to hold toy into box) on my left cheekbone, look close at my avatar.

Good work keep goin
I think you should make the ribs raised for that little touch of detail...

I don't know about John's Death Mando, but on mine, the one this bucket is for, the ribs were going to be raised, as well as building up the spine on the abdomen plate and back plate. The thighs, forearms, and shins were also going to have raised sections for bone.

These were my concept sketches, my orginal, and then some refinment ideas to be even more skeletal:


*I am not my brother when it some to art :\ *


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Dude, that is sweet!! Are you gonna make it anytime soon? Got a link so I can subscribe? I really gotta see that one being made, I NEVER thought of that, and I REALLY LIKE the idea of the bones for the shins and gauntlets, and the spine on the back plate, ZOMG that is gonna be so FREAKIN COOL!!
You said the bucket being made is for your armor? Is the OP your brother?
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