VIBRO AXE.....?!?!


Active Hunter
Hi, im in need of some info on the vibro axe used by the skiff gaurds in ROTJ, im looking to try and build one, i know they have been done before but i would like to have one for myself, any info on parts, what was used ect would be much appreciated........(y)

also if anyone has any of the parts and you want to get rid of them then let me know :D

All info and ideas welcome...


I saw one on the bay just type it in and should pop up was in star wars prop section ,hope that helps ya


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I saw this axe on the bay, saved the pic as it shows quite alot, really need to find out what parts were used, i think the top part that kind of holds the blade on was from a hairdryer ?? but which one is my question :lol:cry

Would love to try and get all the parts together especially if they were all real parts, another bit looks like a spark plug from a car.

That piece with all of the slots looks like an old Con-air blow dryer/ brush. It didn't have a nozzle ( like a gun) , you actually brushed your hair while blow drying. The ball at thebottom looks like a toilet part, the float.
That piece with all of the slots looks like an old Con-air blow dryer/ brush. It didn't have a nozzle ( like a gun) , you actually brushed your hair while blow drying. The ball at thebottom looks like a toilet part, the float.

Thanks to Solochaser ive realised that the slotted section is infact a Gillette Super Max Hairdryer, and the ball section at the bottom is infact a Melnor Soft-Flo Soaker model 5330c, this was for a hose pipe!

(y)..Managed to find a Gillette super max hairdryer on the bay, its in the US, not sure if the seller will send it internationally but i sent him a message, fingers crossed :D

I managed to get the one from the bay in the end, gotta get my buddy to take a mold of it so that i dont destroy the master as that would suck :wacko!

If anyone has any of the other parts used or can get hold of them LMK as i would be very interested. :D

In the end i want to be able to build an exact replica and possibly offer them to other people in a kit form.

Hey Steve, have you talked to David (Dougie Fett), I know he is working on some Skiff guards, you guys could save yourself some time maybe..........and if you need any help with molding etc drop me a line, Also, I would be interested in owning one of those some time if you figure it out.

T-bone, PM back at ya (y):D

Rob, i think i will have to send dougie a PM also, his skiff build is awsome. Yeah one day if i ever get all the parts together i may be able to offer a kit to everyone but knowing how i work someone else will probably beat me to it :lol:

I found one at this website, idk if it's a recast or not :-( It was under the "Double Stimulation" Section...




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This project has been on hold for a while but im starting it back up again! Still need most parts though, has anyone got one of those water softners, the melner one??

Really wanna get this going again :rolleyes

If I remember correctly the actual model of soaker is long out of production. However, there is a similar one available but you have to have two of them to make it look right. I'm still trying to locate the store I ordered mine from for you.
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