Jango Glove Interest?


Glove maker got a hold of me this morning. I printed out some high quality pictures and mailed them to her, so she could get a close look at the color. We have two options...their stock "Royal Blue" and a custom blue that wouldn't be "Exact" but would be as close as possible to the actual glove. I'm waiting on color samples to see how big of a difference it is. Reason there is any question is that the price goes up $25 per pair if we do a custom color. AND, if we say "Yeah, custom color" and they make the color and it's not quite good enough, we're already in for it...

So, just letting you know where we're at...I'll post pictures of the colors once I get them.

Thanks folks.
Good morning folks!

I've got the Royal Blue picture here...and it's quite dark. I am leaving the decision up to the masses though, so please voice your opinion on this color. I can only get them to do one color, so it's either ALL royal blue, or ALL custom. And if it's going to be custom, as I said before, the price is higher, and we won't see the color until it's made. And once it's made, we own it. SO please think carefully.

Reminder: Royal Blue gloves w/ padding, and proper stitching: About $85.
Custom Blue that is very close to prop, also w/ padding and stitching: About $110.

Both prices are quoted with shipping to all US locations included, but are subject to minor changes, per the glove maker.

I have attached two pictures, one is the royal blue swatch, the other is a picture from the reference CD of the color the glove maker will be basing her custom blue off of. She said it will be within several shades of that blue. In my experience, "several shades" is still a very minute difference...but...alas, we will have to decide first, and see second.


They can make a sample glove in that royal blue. Can't in the custom match. If they dye the leather, they dye enough for 50 pairs, and we buy it even if we dont' like it. It's hard to guarantee a color match.

I can tell them we need a sample glove in the royal blue in order to decide if we want to risk the custom gloves if that's what we need. I'll talk to them tomorrow morning and let you know tomorrow afternoon, if they get back to me.
I hate to double reply instead of editing...but I have new news.

I got ahold of a leather supplier who has in stock a color that's pretty close to the glove color. I'm in negotiations with the glove maker to figure out how many sq ft they'll need for the amount of gloves we need so I can see about buying the hides myself and shipping to the glove maker.

I'll let you know what I find out about that.

About the sample glove...I have to buy it and wait for it to ship, so it will be about 2 weeks before I get it probably. I'll let you know on that one too. She's making the sample glove mainly for the "style", the padding, stitching, etc. Once the pattern and style is set, we can give her any leather we find and she'll make it. (Excluding 7oz apholstry leather, obv =p)
I just paid for a sample glove in the royal blue (I mistakenly called it Navy, but it's actually "Royal Blue" as depicted in the picture)

They should have it to me within a week-ish. I will post pictures here when it arrived to clarify if we want to just go with Royal Blue, or risk the custom. I'll let you all decide once the pictures of the royal blue sample go up.

Looks like we got something good here folks! Convince your friends to sign up, I'm still a few pairs short. I'll buy extra and sit on them myself if I HAVE to, but I'm sure there's some shy people out there who just haven't spoken up yet!

GLovemaker has the sample glove in the mail. It will be in the Royal Blue. I'll post pictures as soon as I get it. Sorry it's taking so long for updates folks.

Anybody else interested? =) =)

As for my local leather supplier, unfortunately the leather is far to thick for the glove maker to use. So the glove will be this color that the sample glove is. The only thing we can change is stitching and stuff. Thanks for being patient.

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