Starting my ESB Fett...again lol

Darth Voorhees

Well-Known Hunter
Preferred Vendor
Thats right starting it up again...this thread will probably be lost and resurfaced a few times. Funds wont allow a"quick"build, but im hoping to maybe have this done by the end of the year....we shall see.

Unfortunately,last time i had gotten the jet pack and gauntlets,i ended up having to sell them,to finance the completion of my biker scout.
So right now,i have the girth belt that Pete (ECG) gave me(thanks again Pete!), and i just picked up this BM bucket from TDH's own 987654321a:


Looking forward to this build and working with all of you awesome people to get this to be an awesome ESB Fett!!


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haha well for me,1 yr is slow. There's nothing wrong with you heh. Im sure it will take me MUCH longer to perfect. But i think i should have all the nessisary parts within a few months, and getting this bucket saved time on having to meticulously paint it ha
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