another custom mando in the works...

OK, so I'm still working on this project...I've been fighting with the backplate over the course of the day, and still dont have it right...Once I get it correct (and I will, no matter how hard it tries to stop me:angry:rolleyes:D) I'll post pics.

OK, so I'm still working on this project...I've been fighting with the backplate over the course of the day, and still dont have it right...Once I get it correct (and I will, no matter how hard it tries to stop me:angry:rolleyes:D) I'll post pics.


Want us to gang up on that backplate, I'll hold it down while you kick it into submission:lol:
OK, so I've been a major slacker lately, and havent done much with this (and havent posted updates of what I have done...). I'm suprised Adonian hasnt hit me with the whip yet...:p

School is ending this week and HOPEFULLY I shall do more with this gear.:)

Nah, I've been in the same boat (well not school, but work and kids) so I'm a slacker too... How 'bout I let you use the wip and you can take a few cracks at me too ;)

The only thing i've done to my new bucket is put a paint layer to see the MAJOR imperfections.

I gotta sand it all off if or when I have time and energy. I've been really drained lately.
I wouldn't worry about it, this is the thing about a hobby, it's supposed to be fun, but it also means we can put it down for a couple of days until our batteries are recharged.

Or the lights are fixed in my case...
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