Boba Girth belt colors? Let's nail it ok?


Well-Known Hunter
I'm trying to dye some Girth belts & have run into a snag
I have the ROTJ color locked in. That's an easy one
But the ESB color is eluding me
What color is it?
I have heard that it's;
"Same as ROTJ"
Dark Brown
Dark Brown With red tint
Ruddy Brown Primer by Krylon

Here's a pic of the ROTJ belt I dyed and a "Dark Brown with Red tint" next to piece of white styrene I painted with Ruddy Brown Primer by Krylon
left side is without flash in my Kitchen , right is with flash

Now, to me , the Ruddy Brown Primer is Too Orange
LMK what everyone thinks & any and all opinions are welcome
I really like the color of the dark brown with the red tint without flash. But with flash, it doesn't look good to me.

I like the ROTJ with the flash.

hurry up get this right so that I could order one from you. You have any 32 or shorter around? :D
well, i used the Ruddy brown with Rustoleum Heritage red mixed in, and got some good comments on it...dont necessarily know if that is right, but very similar to what you have done for ESB...

I really like the color of the dark brown with the red tint without flash. But with flash, it doesn't look good to me.

I like the ROTJ with the flash.

hurry up get this right so that I could order one from you. You have any 32 or shorter around? :D
I hear ya on the with/without flash
That's why I posted both
No smaller sizes yet (they only have adult sizes :lol:)

To further complicate the issue, I have added 2 more colors
Its tuff, some pics I see it in its a brown color and others make it look like rotj red. Someone needs to throw up some pics of the esb. I wish I had some.
This is from another thread I have going. I'm really happy with the color of mine:

Well, I finally went ahead and got this done with the help of Whiste8mp's tutorial. The vaseline on the buckles worked like a charm btw...

I just bought a 2 dollar aluminum disposable deep baking tray, some latex gloves, a beat up towel and some paint from Walmart to do this. I found a deep brown with 20% red value in it. I poured about a third of the small paint can into the tray and took about 20 minutes to masage the paint into the fabric. Then I strained it, hung it for about 45 minutes, wrapped it flat in a towel and slowly stood on it on my garage floor. This took a ton of the excess paint out. Then I used a heat gun on it for about 20 minutes and repeated the patting with the towel. I'm just going to leave it now hanging in my garage for awhile. I cleaned the buckles up in the meantime.

Hopefully it doesn't bleed...I'll get to backing it later to keep it more together for the costume. The flash kind of shows the little bit of red tint but not much. It does look great though in person and already has a sort of worn look to it...

FettDad, go for it...way easier than I thought...:cheers

My belt

The paint

My trusty companion Bella

Here is the pic that made me try to get more of a reddish rust color:


I'll post mine up this evening.

Finally some pics of the Ruddy brown addition to my belt...




I'll post some pics I took the other day from my 2nd test fitting. The flash does kill some of the good look. The pics I'll post are in normal light and it looks spot on to me.

Hope this helps.


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I did my run Brown w/ Red tint. Chime in Mike, your the pro dude. Here's a pic of my last run of ESB belts. I have the recipe if you want it. Nathen, I'm still waiting for an answer on the T-21 stock paint you used dude.

ebs belts.jpg
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I did my run Brown w/ Red tint. Chime in Mike, your the pro dude. Here's a pic of my last run of ESB belts. I have the recipe if you want it. Nathen, I'm still waiting for an answer on the T-21 stock paint you used dude.

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Hey Ben, I actually stopped selling ESB girths since the color is so different in everyones eyes. I will only do ROTJ untill this bump in the road is cleared up. I'm hoping it will be. :cheers
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