Pics of my ESB vader, only helmet, cape and armor.


Well-Known Hunter
I´ve been playing around with the correct position of the dome, and I´ve reached the point that I can´t do anymore. I would like to move it more back but it seems impossible unless doing some major work on the forehead of the face mask, I'm talking hacksaws and stuff. But I´m satisfied with the results.

After this Economy crisis I want to upgrade to an ESB SPFX. But I´ve been told that my helmet could be an early SPFX.

Here be pics

This pic was a bit on the dark side so I tried my best to bring some light to it.

Comments welcomed.


  • Febrar2008006-1.jpg
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  • Vadertestpic.jpg
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Well I'm far from a vader expert, but it looks pretty dang nice to me Mobi!!!!

I could be wrong, but You've been working on Vader for quite a while haven't you?????
I think this is my fourth helmet. It´s this never ending project it never ends there is always something more to do.
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