Unidentified Jet Pack Greeblie help

Bobby Fett UK

Well-Known Hunter
Hello all.

I am working on a sculpt of one of the two unidentified greeblies, but have not given up hope on actually identifying the found part. So with this in mind I am asking anyone who may have a back ground working with compressed air lines or gas fittings to have a good look.

The part looks to me like it is made of brass, with a red anodized knurled section. I did think it was an audio jack plug, but the brass material brings makes it much more likely to be a gas or air line fitting - as suggested by the label. With the knurled section tigtening/attaching to something.

Anyone got any thoughts?

Would be great to get it nailed down as most parts have been identified.

The one bottom right and also dotted about from different angles.


I'm a woodworker and my air compressor hoses have fittings like that on the ends.
the thing is the red part, if thats what these are would slide back its spring loaded
and allow you to insert the hose then slide forward locking the hose in. If i'm right
its a pneumatic air . PS sorry for the wordy description. Oh yeah the red part on mine is just brass colored you could paint it.
That is closer. However, they all have a cylindrical section before the hexagonal section. I like the threaded end, much more like it and a better knurled section. However we are looking for brass :facepalm

These things are 1/4" which seems to be the correct sizing, I think we need to find a late 70's coupler! I am sure we can get it!
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It's probably red to indicate the type of gas it hooks up to.
Is that the gas line for the functional flame thrower?
Or just the jet pack exhaust?
LP - not sure about the label etc. I assume it served no function? Most likely a part that was to hand?

KaanE - looks like that screws, so maybe the spring release is more probable?

I have seen a few more that have parts of what we are looking for, The 30 year span is the hurdle here!
aren't these hidden in a recessed area underneath the jet pack? Are they really greeblies?
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aren't these hidden in a recessed area underneath the jet pack? Are they really greeblies?

Not always, only on the PrePro 2 are hidden, in the others no, well in the MoM one (the hero RotJ) yes, but I think that it doesn't have them.

And not, they aren't geeblies, they are there to adjust some electronics and gas in the JP.

I believe the red one to be a quick Disconnect coupling for a gas line for a low pressure system. The connections come in green and red.

It couldn't be any 'audio jacks', as it wouldn't serve as any real function, also since it is labeled "Gas out to Valve & Regulator" wouldn't make any sence if it was used for anything else but 'Gas'.

The second brass knuby looking one appears to be the same greeble on the Pre-Production 2 Left Gauntlet. It appears to screw onto a large hose line with a smaller line coming out the side. I believe that the knob should twist and turn limiting the flow of gass out a smaller line kind of like a regulator.


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Thanks for contributing Seven, I know we have talked about it before, and I totally agree with you after looking at it for as long as you did :rolleyes So you are saying that we are looking at two parts together? Have you been able to source any or got any photos as examples?

BTW, thanks for the Webley cast, I got it the other day (y)

Any more light you can shed on this would be great. Like the diameter of the anodized section or the hole?

Cheers, Bobby.
What confuses me about the pics is the set of plugs that are labeled. The labels seem to indicate they serve some practical purpose for the function of the costume, but the one in the middle looks like a cobra 5 pin mic plug and the one on the left looks like a BNC adapter, neither of which could be used for what their respective labels indicate w/o some interesting modifications. Sorry if this is detailed in a discussion in the past somewhere, but does anyone know if some of these plug-ins were functional as suggested by the labeling? If so, how did the setup work?
You might look for couplings used for oxy-acetylene welding. The couplings and hoses are color coded so that they are not hooked up incorrectly. Green for oxygen and red for acetylene.
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