Mini Fett helemt/Bucket


Active Hunter
I'm on target with my sons jumsuit and vest....the most important pieace is going to be a helmet with the right demensions....Can some provide info on how to make one...or better yet does someone have the skillset to make mini fett helmets?....any sugesstion would be appreciated
There was a member named T-bone that use to make nice kid-sized resin helmets. Nice guy to work with. If not, Jango72 I think made a few scratch built ones for members. I've always wanted to make a kid-sized helmet, but just need to find the time.:facepalm Just a few days ago my son said he was ready to do some trooping again, so maybe it'll happen. Good luck!:thumbsup:
Thanks Cruzer...I pm T-Bone...but he has not been on the forum since 5-08....BTW any update on the resin kid gauntlets that you were concidering for me?..thanks
Nothing as of yet. I'll try to squeeze the gauntlets in sometime this weekend. Hopefully T-bone will respond. I contacted Judz Dweed a couple of days ago to see if he'd be intererd in me continuing to offer his kid helmets, but I have yet to hear from him. If not, I may have to build one myself from a cut-down BKBT helmet or 2 piece Rubies. I already have what I think is the perfect dome for a good sized kid helmet from a fiberglass motorcycle beanie helmet, but the project never took off. Eventually I'm going to need one for my son as well. I really enjoy building the kids stuff, so let me see what I can do.:thumbsup:
I was thinking about the 2 piece set and and configuring it...I rather work with someone that has experience with helmets like yourself...thanks for the update and your willingness to help out. If you have time to spare away from your other projects I would be totally be grateful. I just ordered the flight suit and convincing him to be a clone trooper...sons quote "Dad, I said I want to be Jango...when is my suit coming"... still 5 months away from San Deigo Comic con....thanks for the valuable input Cruzer :thumbsup:
More than likely I'll be able to put something together that I can then mold and make resin or fiberglass copies of. However, realistically it'll probably be a month out before the project is completed...unless of course I become prop obsessed and can't put the project down (which happens frequently).:D If you're looking for something sooner, you can try looking at those 2-piece helmets that came with last year's Halloween costumes. Layered with some resin or fiberglass the shell might be usuable, but if I'm remembering right the rf stalk was molded in or something that just didn't look right.:confused

I'll be sure to keep you updated when this project starts. My son's desire to suit-up usually gives me quite a bit of motivation.:wacko:thumbsup:
I'm going to be talking things over with a friend of mine to do a run of vac-formed, kid-sized domes. After those are done, if the run gets off the ground, I'll be able to offer kids-sized helmets like this one...






That's the ticket! How big is it compared to a Rubies deluxe? Comparison shots next to an adult sized helmet would really help throw everything into scale.:thumbsup:
Now we are talking....I'll wait for the professionals to make it happen..:thumbsup:...SDCC is not for 5 more months enough time to get everything in order...since we are on the topic of kid Jango

ammo belts?
blaster sling?

just food for thought

you guys are really inspiring me to start kid proping...the belt and sling look fun to do...any refrence photos you guys know of?...I'll take it up once I finish my Boba Fett

thanks for keeping the intrest up and let me know when the project moves to the front burner
I have absolutely no idea how big a Rubies deluxe helmet is, however I do have this picture of it next to my helmet ( mine's the helmet on the right ) which is the same size as a Terminal Fettler helmet...

IMO shouldnt the kids neck be some what visable? I think the helmet is key to any suit, especially a kids..when it looks right the kid looks like a mini character....when it's too big the kid looks like a bobble head..IMO
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You are correct, you should be able to see a bit of the boys neck... my son kept dropping his chin to his chest trying to do his best Bounty Hunter pose. One thing to keep in mind is that this particular helmet was made just a tad on the largish size to accomidate for extra growing room. Other wise, your son would only be able to wear the helmet for a few months to a year at best

My son seen wearing the helmet the pictures, was 5 at the time. So with that in mind, the helmet was designed to fit kids up to the 8 to 10 year old range ( depending on how big your kids are that is ).
:cheersI understand the whole growth part and buying tad bigger is always best so the kid can wear the suit a few in point the flight suit and vest I bought...the suit is being made by ladyy sew for us and she is making the suit were he can were it now, and later on take out a few stiches and make it longer....My boy is 6 and the bucket pictured would be way to big for his dome...IMO thier should be two sizes for kids (one for the 5-8) & (one for the 8-11) after that they can wear an adult helmet...we want a legion of mini fetts, not a legion og bobble heads:cheers....

thanks again for the intrest and hopefully we can get this off the ground soon:)
It's hard to size helmets to kids because they grow like weeds and come in different sizes!:wacko I have a Judz Dwedd helmet that is idea for a kid that is in the 4-5 year range, but anything bigger and it's too small. On the other side, a Rubies Jango fits my 11 yr. old son who is almost 5', perfectly. It'd be nice to have one or two in-betweener helmets.:thumbsup: I'll have to check out your pics when I get home (blocked at work)
I'm so ready for your gear Cruzer:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

I just got my gauntlets from MOW and my boy was asking "are mine in the mail dad"...I told him that I ordered them from a galaxy far far away and it will take a bit longer to get hear (I really tried hard saying that with a straight face):D..

girth belt--YES

ammo belt--I will PM SEEKER
Sling--99centTaco, really good with the leather
Helmet: Jango72..if he does the kid run(1st on list)...(T-Bone is not making buckets no more)

When ever you pull the trigger Cruzer I will be paypal ready...thanks again
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Sorry, no updates from me either I'm afraid. I've got quite a few projects on the go, and I'm doing my best not to neglect any of them. :thumbsup:
My son started on his kid-sized set of armor today that's basically trimmed down BKBT's parts. So from it we'll be looking into making molds for vac-formed armor. We should have a new thread on the project probably by tomorrow.:thumbsup:
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