Morgue's Null ARC 7 Sci-Fire Rig (WIP)


Active Hunter
Thought I'd share a couple pics!;) I am so stoked about my rig!
Now, before anyone freaks...This was my first (pictured) test fit! And YES, I know that not everything is fitting where it is going to be in final Fit. The shoulder and arms were put on hurriedly for the pic. I've spent most of my time on the legs and am now working on the midsection. In the pics, the mid was giving me alot of grief because I am long in the torso. I am in the middle of modding fitment and also sourcing a fix incase my ideas do not pan out. The rubber ab is such an awesome aspect of this suit that I refuse to give up on it and it is one of my favorite parts on the suit besides the great fit of the rest of the armor. Of all the 5 suits I've worked on this one was the easiest to get to 100% wearable and accuracy is completely over the top. Utmost thanks to my friends Lewis and to JohnB for a great suit! SICK brothers! Completely Sick! ;)
Whatcha think?
sincerest thanks, jon

I recieved my helmet (thanks to GF for the Java) last week sometime and while I've had a few days between commision jobs I went to work like a freak on a mission. I'll be using this while I await my Sci-fire Ep2 bucket!(Wink, wink....Ahem!). I have yet to finish weathering the helmet but you can see what I have going on. Working RF Thanks to Asok, mrgr8ness, and BKBT. Intgrated LED system imbeded into the mohawk. I can go solid(501st official) or I can choose up to 8 different blinking profiles to induce siezures everywhere!LOL I took a liberty and made my own chin greeblie since this one did not have one. I also re-did the "teeth" I wanted a more screen accurate look instead of what was there on the helmet.
Pics aren't the best but LMK whatcha think anyways!;) Enjoy!







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Awesome job on the build Jonathan, the armor looks great, I'm really looking forward to seeing it all come together soon dude.:thumbsup:
Very nice work. The forearms look nice and tight, which is something the sci-fire guys really worked on to get the slim proportion and still get your hands through them for the one piece look. :thumbsup::thumbsup:
Thanks guys. There are alot of really good clone builders out there. RS and Clone666 to name a couple. I have really taken my time with this build to make the fit one of the most important things about the rig. I admit, it was easy to do thanks to JB and Lewis's hard work making sure it was already figured out. Again, all I can say is, of all the suits I've built, this one was by far the easiest and most accurate. Like RS, I've put alot of time in the little things. I'll be doing another test fit soon to add my holsters, forarms (completed), and hopefully shins and details. More updates to come!
so far so good. You know how clones fit, but this one is just alittle more comfortable due to obvious pieces and me being a bigger guy at 230lbs and 6'2+, the proportions were very easy to aquire. Besides, null ARC are bigger right? Well thats what I'm going with anyway!LOL:)
LMAO Dude! Yeah I hope I can live up to the Fridge art man! Seriously!LOL
I expect the final pieces next week and will start to put it all together to finish. Will update real soon. ;)
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Oh my goodness!!! WOW!! Jon that is amazing! Not that I am surprised to see this coming from you. I've yet to see one of John and Lewis's sets put together. I've seen alot of parts on the floor of the shop. LOL!
Good to see you round here too!
Thanks guys!;) I am waiting on the new shins!
(and back plate, commpad, and later a new mid-section and Bucket!Woohoo!)

Christi it is awesome to hear from you!:) Thanks and hope all is well for ya out there!
Happy to be here more often these days! ;)

TTYS, jon
My second test fit. Need to tweaks some things I'm not too happy with and set in the spoons once they arrive but over all I am stoked. Check it!
LMK whatcha think!




Knees need some work to straighten out, Belt needs to come up more, some more color and and adjustment on that Pauldron and thigh armor needs to come up a bit. Got to sagging some when walking so going to address those this week and re shoot a 3rd test fit to make sure I got it buttoned up. Then I'll be about ready 100%!;)

Thanks for looking, Jon
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