TMP Ironman MARK 2. Armor costume Metall aluminum.


Jr Hunter
TMP Iron Man MARK 2. Armor costume Metall aluminum.

I shared this on the RPF... so i though i shared it here to.. This armor is from the latest sculpts and molds.
New helmet, arms, shoulders. This armor weigh arround 3 times as much as the glassfiber version. If you scratch something you scratch metall.
The photos does not do justice, The metall really shines far better when seen in light and when it moves. We only made 2 of these pr date, since they are timeconsuming to make.

TMP_Iron Man_armor_costume_Mark2._Comp.jpg

TMP_Iron Man_Mark2._Inndoor.1.jpg

Iron Man_Mark2._Inndoor.5.jpg
So when can I expect my Mark 2 set again? Ha Ha. Just kidding. That is absolutely amazing. I would love to own a set of Mark 2 armor some day. See now you are just making me jealous. :)
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Ok soooo just out of curiosity how much would you charge a person if they just wanted the helmet on bust minus the arms???
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The only thing I can muster is stunning! :thumbsup:

Fair-play bruv... that thing is nothing short of (can't use expletives) :thumbsup:
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are these cold cast resin or full on aluminum? either way, AMAZING work!!!
I would be interested to know how these were constructed myself.It does not look like the metal was pounded, so I am led to believe it was poured into a mold like the metal boba buckets that have been posted here.Or is it cold cast resin.
Either way , that is some really ,really cool armor there.I am quite impressed.
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