Custom Mando

My son actually id the vulcan. The long strike by nerf is a kida cool sniper type rifle. That is what I am going to do some work on.
That might work, just add a barrel. I am actually from Glendale but been stuck in MO. for the past 20 years. Next time I visit my parents I would like to check out the armor.
That might work, just add a barrel. I am actually from Glendale but been stuck in MO. for the past 20 years. Next time I visit my parents I would like to check out the armor.

that'd be cool! what part of glendale are you from?

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Big up's man!
Wicked awesome Beskar'gam.
It's costumers like you that inspire people like me.
I have been watching these boards alot recently and would like to make another set of beskar'gam. (My first set was made before i discovered this site and is made from corrogated cardboard and paper mache, not one of my better ideas, as when trooping in hot weather your sweat makes it soggy:(
I to have recently purchased a nerf vulcan to modify for my next set of beskar'gam (even though like you I am a sniper).
Any way bringing about an end to my rambling once again looking good.
Tracyn out.
wish you were in our neck of the woods I would invite you to troop with us. We need some custom mando with that quality gear to troop with
OK, just a slight update:
I rebuilt my backplate with a little (alright a LOT) of help from dankenman's armour thread (thanks vod!!!(y):cheers). I'll post pics once I get it painted and weathered a bit.

Again, thanks to all for the kind words and encouragement; you guys are the best!!!

Cant wait to see it brother! Glad my thread could help. That is one of the reasons I love it here, there is always someone to answer questions, and bounce ideas off of.
OK, I wanna hear some cheering, cuz we have UPDATES!!! HOORAY!!!
:lol: lol

I'm basically finished with this suit. Here are some pics I took today.



I still have ideas I want to work on, but all-in-all, this gear is done!!!

Thanks all for the help and encouargement everyone!!!(y)(y)(y)

Best O' Luck


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Nice job! Love the slicing across the bucket face. Have a run in with an angry nexu did we? The mythotaur skull from the belt is sweet!
I like it, it looks really good, I hope I have some time to catch up with you, but as you can see by my posts, it's been a while since I've done anything with mine... I gotta wait for the tax man to pay me, but get this, California is gonna give IOU's ***?!

Anyway, GR8 work.
:eek::cheersit looks great, very open season . have u tried to see how the vest would look if you wore it like boba. just curious. looks like your ready to hunt some minutemen.jk . i love it man , this is the kind of mando that makes wanna finish mi custom mando.
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Looking great brother! What are you gonna do next! Have you worked on your sniper rifle yet?

Thanks vod!!!:cheers No, I haven't...still planning...:wacko:lol:

:eek::cheersit looks great, very open season . have u tried to see how the vest would look if you wore it like boba. just curious. looks like your ready to hunt some minutemen.jk . i love it man , this is the kind of mando that makes wanna finish mi custom mando.

Not sure what you're saying about the vest? Do ya mind elaborating a bit? Maybe pics (they always help!!!:lol:). Thanks vod!!!

Adonian and Ordeyn- As always, thanks for the encouragement!!!

Best O' Luck!

...Adonian, how is the armour coming??? Again, I get update hungry...:lol:
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Very cool! I love the color scheme and the small details. where'd you get the small mythosaur skull?? And is that a galco yaqui belt slide holster you're packing your light blaster in??

The Kamas are a kewl addition I really like too.

Cant wait to see more. :)

This is gonna be a sniper mando, right? I say build a HUGE rifle (but light ;) ) with a long, telescoping or foldable barrel. :p (its not a real weapon, so it can be different!) Imagine trooping into a convention with a huge pack on your back, then pulling it off, snapping the barrel in place, screwing in the stock, and dropping the rolling bipod!! More like a roving mando turret! :p Just a thought. Am I insane? You have no idea.

"A well-built sniper rifle is a beautiful thing. Ours has two separate levels of zoom: 'Up-close-and-personal' and 'Hello-you're-dead.'" ―RC-1207

Not sure what you're saying about the vest? Do ya mind elaborating a bit? Maybe pics (they always help!!!:lol:). Thanks vod!!!

I'm not quite sure either, but he MIGHT mean trimming it a bit shorter on the bottom or simply untucking it, instead of keeping it tucked behind the belt. I dunno. I think it would look cool either way.

keep us posted!
...Adonian, how is the armour coming??? Again, I get update hungry...:lol:[/quote]

I gotta get my printer back on line so I can print my shoulder bells and collar so I can cut 'em out of my trash cans, I'll see if I can at least get to that, plus since I started the new job, my schedule is all messed up (sucks to be the new employee).

When I get some $, I'll tint the visor with mirror and finally get it installed and I plan on buying an RF stalk since it's so darn hard to get mine to work. :rolleyes
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