New ESB FP Armor

Thanks ^^^^


Alright so I laid down the base coat of US Med green and went on to the weathering. I did very slight weathering, since while looking at screen grabs, I could see weathering done lightly. Not too light and not too dark. In pictures your really cannot see weathering, but in person you will see a slight amount of weathering. I think it looks good.

Earlier today hot off the press

Then I painted the yellow on the left chest. All that is left to do is minor scratches.

I applied Scotts decal on the right chest and toned it down with washes of black PS paint.

And the blaster scuff marks...hurry up and finish your blasters Mason, I need to make it look like the blaster did it... and not me... :D

Picture with flash of the cod to show the subtle weathering

I also installed the famous "thong" on the kidney piece. That picture is too x rated for TDH however. I do have a picture with flash of everything though haha.

Sometime this week I will paint the yellow scratches and zinc up the shoulders and knees. :D

Let me know what you think.


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looking like all your other stuff... great! keep it up. I swear I'm gonna end up getting rid of my scratch made stuff for some of the FP armor. I feel inadequate now hahaha.
hey man, that harness is AWESOME!!! you may want to use that new added feature and move those shoulder strap anchors a little bit and get that thing out from under your armpits!! armor looks great brother!!!
Wow ! :eek: You don't waste any time do ya brother !

Great job man, and pretty record time too !

Sorry to hear about the cod mishap though :( You need/want a replacement?

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Thanks guys!

Yea FP, Im hurrying to finish this cause I want to just get rid of it and buy some SFP armor. I heard its more accurate than yours. :D

Edit- About the cod. Its all good bro, its all patched up and ready to go.But Thanks alot for the generous offer man. You have really been extremely awesome. If I could give you a "Fettpride is Awesome!" award I would hahaha.
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Alright so last night before I went out to party cause its friday, haha, I painted on the yellow on the other armor pieces. I still need to go back and refine the cod's yellow scratches.




Ill head out on monday to get some more zinc chromate to paint up the knees, and shoulders.


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So I am getting ready to start building my first Boba Fett costume and people state FP Armor is a good investment. How do I get my hands on a set I tryed looking up thier website but I get directed to a site under construction. also any advise you might have for a new guy starting his first Fett armor Thanks.
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