Caloh Vorn Custom Mando


Jr Hunter
Hi there, I just finished a few parts of my custom Mando armour.
It's not much, but I thought I could just get a few comments on that.
The back plate needs some more work on the shape and of cause...paint :lol:
The colours I've chosen will follow as soon as my scanning application is up again.




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Ok, I will give this a try, but sorry if I miss spelling(been a long time since German class):
Das ist sehr gut!
What did you make it out of? It looks very well done.
I also like the color choice of the vest and neckseal. I am interested to see where you go with this. Viel Glück!
Personally I like the shape of the backplate, looks nice and snug. The strap holes look good as well. Can't wait to see the color that goes on the plates. Good looking flak vest. Is the color on that olive?
Und ja, Das ist sehr gut!!
Well first of all thank you for the positive responses :)...very happy now ;) ... the stuff I'm making the armour parts from has no actual name, it is from GuttaGliss and is called "Hobbycolor" discribe it I would say it's a kind of foamed plastic with a closed cellular surface structure.

@Royal Nortron Cla: the shape itself seems good to me too, but I have the feeling it doesn't fit well around the shoulders => too much space between backplate and vest?...
The color is...well a mixture of olive and grey-brown I would say.

Here is what I want the whole set to end up.


surprisingly I managed to get a scan done :lol: here it is

I will be doing some more detailed pics of the paint and decals within the next hours....probably this night


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Looks like you are off to a very good start. The plates look spot on and the vest looks top notch. I love the look of your concept too.
Will be watching your progress with interest.
Thanks alot guys! Your words make me keep in with the project:D

OH! Before I forget: I'm really impressed how many of you do speak (write) at least a bit german...alway thought german must be pure horror for anyone to lern :lol:. My compliment!
New update: The boots.

I nearly finished the work on the shoecaps for my boots. The material is not that stabil so I will be making molds of them and cast resin copies, which will than have a higher strength

here is the progress:




...and the front and healcap together^^


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Diese Stiefel sind sehr nett
Ich mag die Farbe Plan
Willkommen in der Kammer
Okay, my German is rusty, I wish you well in your armor building, I will watch this thread for updates, please keep us posted.
Okay, mein Deutsch ist rostig, ich wünsche Ihnen auch in Ihrem Gebäude Rüstung, ich werde sehen dieses Threads für Updates, wenden Sie sich bitte Sie uns.

Gott sei Dank für den Internet-Übersetzer.

When you cast the boot parts, will you offer them for sale, I like them and would like a set.
@ adonian: I really feel honoured that you've been at pains to translate your post into german :) I will work on the costume and of course on the update pics as often as possible.
Thank's for the compliments :D ..As soon as I made molds, it should not be a problem to give a set to you ;)

@ whiteraven: Thank's. No problem bro :D feel free to be inspired
No problem;)

I've just attached the collar to the back plate with screws which will be covered by the shoulder studs. Apart from minor fitting problems everything is turning out quite good.
Pics will follow asap.

Thanks a lot :)...Hoped to get the stuff updated last night, but unfortunately I hurt myself with my crafting knife :(...looks like I'm off from work for nearly the rest of the week.

LOL, I actualy also speak a little bit of German myself. We need a TDH Deutsch Club now. :lol:

I LOVE that vest though, it looks awsome! :D
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