Jango Arena Jet Pack (Stubby) Blueprints

i like it(y)(y):love. :confusedbut do you guys buy it or make or what becouse the bluprints are great but i dont know how to billed it with just a picture or what to builld it with or even what sises to use????????:confused:cry
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I haven't had the time to visit here much, but I just wanted to say that I will be posting gauntlet and Arena jet pack templates as soon as I can get to them. For now you and use the templates post over in the Boba Fett rockpack section. The body of both packs are basically the same.

The Stubby templates are done, but they need to convert to PDF, a somewhat time consuming process, (Boba's ended up being 57-8.5X11 pages.)

We add a new addition to our family the day after Christmas, a 5 year old little boy named Jake. The adoption process has been started, so real life events have been cutting in to my hobby time.

Hang in there.

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I completely understand... we added a new addition the day before Christmas... a foster son... he was like 3 days old when we brought him home :)

Congrats Alan!

P.S. We really appreciate (or at least I know I do) everything you have done with the templates!!
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P.S. We really appreciate (or at least I know I do) everything you have done with the templates!!

Totally!!! Your stuff is amazing!!! Take your time!!! It only builds suspence and adds to the amazment when you do release it!!!:lol:lol::lol:

Congrats on the adoption!!!

Again, thanks for all you do for us!!!(y)

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I have a quick question.
If I were to print this out full size to get a 1:1 scale how big should I go? Could you maybe provide some reference dimensions that I could use to verify that I have plotted it at the right size?
Until I get the Arena templates completed and posted you can use the standard jetpack templates as a starting point: http://www.thedentedhelmet.com/gallery2.php?g2_itemId=15447

Or you can use Skupilkinson’s Pep Arena pack templates: http://www.thedentedhelmet.com/showthread.php?t=26905

My original templates are 15" wide (not including the rocket nozzles), but based on additional reference pics that have since surfaced I now believe that the standard Boba pack is 16 ¾” wide. Since Boba Fett is 6’ tall with medium build 16 ¾” wide seems to fit pretty well.

As for the correct size for a specific individual it really depends on how big you are. If you are 5’6” a standard size pack might be a tad big, as with the rest of the costume scale is very important. The actor that played Jango (Temuera Morrison) is only 5’7” so I suspect that the pack he used was scaled down to match his stature when compared to the one that Jeremy Bulloch used since Jeremy is 5” inches taller.

Just my 2 cents.

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My original templates are 15 ½” wide (not including the rocket nozzles), but based on additional reference pics that have since surfaced I now believe that the standard Boba pack is 16 ¾” wide. Since Boba Fett is 6’ tall with medium build 16 ¾” wide seems to fit pretty well.
I think the design you have at the top of this thread will serve my needs a little better as I can use it for visual reference as well.
So if I am understanding you correctly, the pack is 16 3/4" wide from the left-outside edge to the right-outside edge like I show in the attached image?
Thanks for your help WOF. I really appreciate it!


  • jetpack scale image.pdf
    22.9 KB · Views: 1,033
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Nice to see you back, Alan. :) Your templates have been tremendously helpful to me for the multiple costumes -- male and female, Boba-based and Jango -- that I'm working on currently. I've tweaked your helmet template a bit to more closely reflect the measurements of the originals whilst still being symmetrical, but I couldn't have done it without your work to start from. :D I'd be delighted to discuss what my researches have turned up, if you're interested. In any case, I plan to extoll your part in these costumes' existance whenever anyone asks.

In the meantime, how are things going with the home front? With youre recent uptick in activity here, I presume all is well with your son? :)

Actually I have been reworking these blueprints (see first post for updated drawings). I have made a number of changes based on all the new reference pics that have been made available, take a look an let me know what you all think.

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the updated stuff in the first post looks great! any idea when you might be getting to the printable template phase of the rework? I am excited to build this!
As the jetpack has been completely redrawn I am still developing the templates, there are a couple of parts that I need to generate a 3D model in order to be able to extract a true flat pattern. Which is next on the list to be done.

Question for those Jangos out there what size would you like to see this Jetpack done in? I am thinking about 16" wide would cover most would-be Jangos out there, but I am open to what folks would like to see/need.

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