Fett is ALL AROUND US!!!


Well-Known Hunter
Well, just a funny picture I took the other day while I was at Chili's with the little lady...pulled up right next to this....she looked at me so weirdly when I pulled out my phone and started taking a picture, but you guys might understand a little more...


So now we see that Fett painted over his Holiday Special armor....thats why its yellow underneath...LOL


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I've done this before. At disneyland if you are coming from the timon and pumba parking lot on the tram, as you are walking towards the bag check area there are some little pillars that are painted green. They have some chipped areas and it's def yellow underneath!
I done the same with some railings at work. I work in a local government building and got some very strange looks
I do this all the time.

You could really see how things will crack and peel in real life.

Alot of Graphic Designer do this all the time. They take pics of real life stuff and lay on on artistic vehicles and stuff.

awesome stuff.

You should go back witha higher rez camera and take more pics.
I do this all the time.

You could really see how things will crack and peel in real life.

Alot of Graphic Designer do this all the time. They take pics of real life stuff and lay on on artistic vehicles and stuff.

awesome stuff.

You should go back witha higher rez camera and take more pics.

I'll be back around there this week, so I'll take my camera over there and get a couple snaps for ya Turo.
Hey Gilmore, would it be alright if we turned this into a Fett is all around us thread for everyone to post pics of everday things that look like Fett/Star Wars related?

I always thought these looked like the rockets on the jet pack. With the lid they are the right shape...I mean put a missle between them and some piano keys...Is it just me???

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