Rebelscum's ESB Fett Replica

nice job guys. i gotta ask. whats up with the two screws on the back of the stock? theres no buttplate there

HA:lol:..funny story, the guy who carved the stock for us, based his design on the MR Fett Blaster (which has those) and put them there...(y)..looked so good we kept them.


stock mockup 1.jpg
Man I gotta say, that pic is awesome! I bet that suit cost a small fortune :lol: It really looks great guys. Do you have any more pics?
I find it sad that none of us have our own ESB Fett !!!!

Tell me about it..:facepalm..some day I guess.

this is my favorite pic


Added it to the gallery DM..(y)..totally missed that one.

Do you have any more pics?
Tons more... still need to shoot the side-arm, and need shots of the rotating base that it all sits on now...might need to get video for that. Did I also mention the entire thing is wired, has a working servo and runs everything through the right gauntlet switches, lights and all?.... it's pretty much my dream set-up. :lol:


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Although my write-up on Rebelscum does say who made or painted the items on the commissioned side of this Fett, I've recieved a few PM's asking Who made what in terms of over all parts on this Fett.

I think it is extremely important to show some of the best of what TDH has to offer.
So I will list the TDH members that have parts or work on this fett.

Noted TDH members:

Helmet, Gauntlets, and Blasters painted and weathered by Spideyfett
Rocketpack, chest armor, knee armor, and shin tools painted and weathered by Darthmiller
Belt, Ammo pouches, JP Harness, Neckseal, Vest, and ankle straps produced or finished by Batninja
Helmet, Armor, and Gauntlets produced by Fettpride
Rocketpack, EE-3 Blaster, and side-arm produced by Man of War Studios
Electronics/ Womo68
ESB gloves/ Galactic Bounty Hunter
Chestlights/ Shackman
Shintools/ Bobamaker
Jumpsuit/ skygunbro
Sidearm holster/ Ruffkintoy
Knee Darts and toe spikes / RussRep
Horse hair Wookiee braids/ Julie
Gauntlet darts/ Serinty
Cape/ Trooper TK409

If I missed anyone, please let me know...
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WOW ! :eek:

Just when you think that it can't get any better :lol:

Spidey, if you keep raising the bar, people will have to invest in a set of stilts :lol:

Amazing Job to ALL involved with this bad boy !!! And a BIG congrats to Mr. Wise ;)

I find it sad that none of us have our own ESB Fett !!!!

Oh, yah .. AMEN to that ! :angry

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Thats an amazing job...i'd have to say as near to perfect as you can get...and the funny part is that its probably well past the original as far as quality goes.
Wow I might have to go to ESB after looking at that Fett,,,Nawwwwww ROTJ all the way!!! sorry can't do it,,but it does look good,,
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