So, who wants to buy... me?!? Sideshow Sandtrooper

Art Andrews

Community Founder
Community Staff
Seeker called last week to tell me Sideshow had used my photos off as a reference for their new 12" figure and when Sideshow put the photos of their new figure up this week, sure enough, it matches the armor I built a couple of years ago, right down to several mistakes I made! I am honored that Sideshow would think my sandtrooper armor was good enough to use for their figure and can't wait to get one of my own!








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Art for Sale.

A wonderful feather in your cap!

I think it would be well within the gentleman's code for you to mention their use of your work as reference and request a complimentary figure.

I feel that is the right thing for Sideshow Toy to do.


Good eye Arturo!
so you're to blame for the mistakes on the figure...

i'm kidding, that's awesome. they probably should send you a 'free sample' even though you own the real thing ;)
Trust me, I am trying to get them to send one.... and sadly, that armor no longer belongs to me. I sold it about 3 years ago (to a member here) and it is now a display piece in his collection.
Good job Art. You found your nitch with this photography stuff. Looks like this should be displayed in CMYK Magazine or any other top notch photography publication.
Congrats Art!! do you think the guy who bought your armor would sell it back to you?

I love the work you did for "Looksirdroids" and have always admired your talent and endless pursuit of perfection. My new pouches arrived the other day from Sci-Fire. For those who don't know, Art and Jon worked together to create the "perfect" set of ammo pouches to date. These are a thing of beauty.

Hope to see you in another set of "dirty" armor soon bro.
just please tell me those are not real mp40 pouches on your costume, because they look pretty authentic.

BTW, thanks for your site. It has helped me build my own sandtrooper.
Thats very cool Art! (y) Evrytime a TDH'er encourages the market of SW products its for the better. :D
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