Wife is springing for my new Fett!!!!!


Active Hunter
Well, I turned 38 today and my wife surprised me with an unexpected gift, she said she will help me to purchase everything I need for my new Fett (y). She also bought me a Veers kit that will hopefully be done in time for WonderCon. she's the best!!! ( and I thought she hated my hobby :eek: )
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Ben, Happy Birthday buddy! 2nd Glad you're getting a boba again. 3rd you'll look super cool as Veers! I was hoping to make it to wondercon this year.
Well, I turned 38 today and my wife surprised me with an unexpected gift, she said she will help me to purchase everything I need for my new Fett (y). She is also buy me a Veers kit that will hopefully be done in time for WonderCon. she's the best!!! ( and I thought she hated my hobby :eek: )

WOW, sounds like she's a great catch Ben. Happy B-day buddy!!!

So, what will the new Fett be?? Are you turning to our ROTJ side???:cheers

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Happy B-Day Ben!
Yes, Ben will make a great Veers! Perfect height and look.
I think the choice for your NEW Fett is simple, ESB, ESB, ESB!:D
Although the Supertrooper is making a lot of noise on the boards lately.;)
BTW, get you Veers done and I will bring this to Wonder Con.


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YES!!! Bountyone that makes me so happy bro! You were one of my favorite ESB Fetts. Im about as tall as you so for reference I would look at your pictures. Your wife rocks!!!

Happy birthday dude, just send over your old fett to me if you dont need it. haha just kidding. You were actually one of my inspirations for starting an ESB fett
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