Lego Fett?


New Hunter
Just found this over at I just had to post it here!



  • image63.jpg
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That's totally weird and awesome at the same time. Love that second photo Wolfie, the lighting makes him look pretty darn cool. But I think somebody should buy this man some armor for Christmas.
Yeah, that is the same guy who did the lego Vader. I don't remember which lego site this was posted months ago (maybe Lugnet), but on there, this guy got responses like; get a life, what a loser...

And yes, there IS life size lego Vader and Boba. They were on Lego Show, here in Finland a year ago. I cannot recall if I took any pictures, unfortunately. If I ever, and I do mean EVER come against those again, so help me anyone, I'll take pictures...

Ohkay; I found some other pics on Gizmondo. There were no responses, though, on that site. Still there are more pics of his suit. Mods, I do feel that this has been covered before, so I am sorry to bring this up again. Still, see here;
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