Shin Tool Templates/Blueprints WOF

i think this is the worlds way of telling me to replace my shin tools and go make some new ones at work.

the real squeegee is a keeper though
It goes to show you that even old threads have quality info on them. These blueprints were exactly what I was looking for...just ordered my paterson squeegee and chemical stirrer. Thank you, (even though you wrote this thread long ago)
I'm glad this is still up. I've made these things three times now and just didn't like them. Its all about size. HA HA. T-Bone, your pix look great.
Here are the templates for the shin tools in A4 format. Set them to fit to pages and they should print full size.



  • Shin Tools A4.pdf
    161.2 KB · Views: 522

This is so cool. As someone else stated, thank you for helping us budget mandos. May I ask what size to print the plans out at?

Thank You
Guys I have a question. Comic Con NYC is coming up and I am going on October the 8th. I have finished everything except the braids, jetpack, girth belt and gun. All are almost done, however I may not have time for shin tools. Are they an important piece to the costume? Because I COULD try to squeeze them in, but that may affect the quality of the rest of my stuff.
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