Anyone seen or spoken to Ruffkintoy?

I've been reading this post with great interest in the last while as I had ordered a jet pack and gauntlits from Chuck back in March. I have just received it. It took him 3 months to complete it and he shipped it. However, i never received it. :( I asked him "what happens now?" and he told me that he would do them again and reship. It took longer the second time for him to ship them out, but he did.

Yes, his communication skills could be better, but in the end he did come through and I am happy to finally get started on my jet pack and gauntlets. (y). I am very happy with what I waited for.

So, he is alive, very busy (maybe too busy as some of you have mentioned) and must be trying hard to get caught up. All I can say is that if you have paid for something from Chuck, have faith...he does come through. Lots of you have gotten tracking numbers and his past reputation shows quality.
Hey Guys, Forgot last week was thanksgiving and had to go out of town. So any orders that should have been out last week will be out this week. Glad you got your JP and gauntlets this time, still don't know where the last package is.
chuck always comes through just have to have patients he and i have worked together with almost all of my predator parts and he never failed me yet =D he will come through for you guys
Has anyone got any good pics of ruffkins gauntlets ? the reason im asking is that when i place my order for esb gauntlets with chuck i did ask him for some pictures of his work ,anyways chuck mailed me back with 2 pictures ..later relising that 1 of the pictures chuck sent me was from a member on here called Fetthunter taken from his site !! hmmm not sure about the other picture or where it came from as it was blurry !!
why didnt chuck just say he didnt have any pics instead of sending me some randoms pictures :(
It's probably because a whole lot of TDH members have his gauntlets and it was just as easy for him to pull up pics from members here who have finished ones as it would be to send pictures of the same type of gauntlets in raw form sitting at his house.
Hi Guys... I figured I'd let every one know I got my stuff! (a few weeks ago but I haven't had time to post) I hope everyone's orderes get fullfilled soon. Take care all! Happy Holidays!

Has anyone got any good pics of ruffkins gauntlets ? the reason im asking is that when i place my order for esb gauntlets with chuck i did ask him for some pictures of his work ,anyways chuck mailed me back with 2 pictures ..later relising that 1 of the pictures chuck sent me was from a member on here called Fetthunter taken from his site !! hmmm not sure about the other picture or where it came from as it was blurry !!
why didnt chuck just say he didnt have any pics instead of sending me some randoms pictures :(

If you still want pics of ruffkin-gauntlets, I have some of mine. Lemme know.
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