Custom Assassin Mando


Jr Hunter
Ok so after a few months of trying to decide what to make I have come up with a plan. I am gonna build a custom assassin using jango armor. My plan is to have retracting blades in the gauntlets 1 1/2 to 2" spikes down the shin armor. Spikes down the shoulder bells. I have found 2 resin westars for a steal at $25 a piece. No luck finding a holster template. Going to put blades along the inner edge of the boots. Mocking up a rubies helmet for practicing saber damage. Thinking of going with black as the main armor color and dark gray as the other. I wish my drawing skills were better but working on a sketch now so will post one soon. Any comments or suggestions are welcome and needed
:DGood stuff i like the sound of that! good luck on the costume! :D

~Marco Fett
hope this works
well seeing as how i am overseas at the moment i mocked this lid up on paint shop. the colors are what i am going for threw on some generic damage just as an idea want the saber scar thou.

mock up damage.JPG
I love the concept!!! It might be a little tough to wear with the spikes coming into vision under your eyes. I only speak from experience from my Boba lid and how tough it was for me with it as it was. Looks great!
how do you plan to do retractable blades in your guantlets? I've wanted to do that for mine... but wasn't sure how to do it (or if it'd be allowed at cons!)
ok so i did not change the color of this gaunt but it will be the same black and gray. the viroblade will be on a spring loaded system push button activated. slight modification to the guant will make this easy. I have fabed this before for a vampire of the masqerade costume before. the other gaunt will have a co2 activated bolo net that will fire out. way cool. cheap to work up aswell.


  • gaunt.bmp
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have no idea what to do to the thigh armor as i will have a holster strap on either side dont want to paint something cool and have it ruined.

leg armor.jpg
how do you plan to do retractable blades in your guantlets? I've wanted to do that for mine... but wasn't sure how to do it (or if it'd be allowed at cons!)

spiffy as long as your blades are not real and sharp you can have retractable blades at cons

for predator costumes we use animatronics run by a battery all stuffed int the blade gauntlet that runs the blades on a small sliding platform with either a switch or button to have them tract or retract
I love the retracting blade idea, and I must say, is something that I have been thinking about for when I come to do my gauntlets.
However, I want them more like Jango's, coming out of the side.
I have a basic idea for this but may need to look into it alot more.
If anyone else has any ideas about this then please PM me or something, I really wanna know other peoples experiences and ideas for this :)
nice but i was just thinking that your spikes might be a little big. i wore a arm band with 3/4 in spikes on it for a while but i kept getting stuck on things so i had to give it up :(

and for your retractable blade thing: have you thought about using a reverse spring behind it to give it a little push? i was getting ready for a grauge sale an old hotwheels car launcher that with a revers spring system. it was easy to reset and yet it was really launch the cars. its just a though, if i can get my scanner working ill give your a blue print of what i mean
Some really good ideas here MaddMudder!!

I was thinking about selling my gauntlets, but you got me thinking now!!

Regarding the gaunt spike, maybe you could mount it on a cam so that when you flick the switch it would shoot out and retract over and over... Just a thought!! :)

Keep us posted!!!! :D
I've actually built a spring loaded blade mechanism for a gaunt that worked, however it had to be about as bulky as a flame thrower housing to get a decent sized blade in...especially if you want a mechanism where the blade flies out quickly. I used a catch system and put 2 stems on the blade that went through a set of grooves both on the top and bottom of the housing that you could pull back and set into a catch. When you wanted the blade to snap out, you just pushed it out of the catch. Problem was that is had no safety and cons would have had my rear if someone got I dismantled it.

Stuff like this is fun to do around the house or in front of friends, but you can really hurt someone if your not careful. Sometimes you can't be careful enough, and I stress this when your around many many people.
To be honest I think it only makes sense, kinda like a an evolution of the episode 3 stormtrooper. I'm actually working on one myself that has a similar design.
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Digging the vent on the side of your lid. thats cool. In reguards to the hotwheels launcher. BINGO thats how im doing it. just need to upgrade the spring. Now for the net launcher. This is truely a cool mod am working on the mock up now. it is fairly cheap to do but does require some practice and time. it will fire anywhere from 40 psi to 200 psi on a single shot. however if you were to actually shoot it at someone you would mess them up so of course you have to put in a safety. Thanks for all the imput. it really helps. keep it commin
ok so this is a ver rough and crude mock up but it works for now. So without giving away all my secrets. you hook up a co2 delivery system and a trigger and whala instant launcher the trick is not to use a heavy netting system. nylon cord that you use for cargo netting on cars is to heavey and will get caught up in tube. also the counter weights have to be just enough so the net will open and not tangle upon launch. once you find the right setting for the psi the racket ball fill shoot out of the tube and fly into the netting causing it to open beautifully. ahh it is so cool to use.

mock up launcher.JPG
Cool idea so far! Yeah, I too thought Punisher at first glance of your helmet--nice design! I like the spikes, if you can get them to work well and still let you comfortably move around.
Retractable blade--another cool idea if it can be worked safely. Be interesting to see something like that finished ;)
As far as saftey goes it could be an issue at a con but mine will just sit in my starwars room. however it would also depend on what the blade was made of. I am planning to use sintra but still if the track broke as it was sprang out it would be a projectile. hmm have to think of reenforcing that part thanks. it always helps to get outside eyes. Yes it was punisher inspired. i have admired the punisher for probably the better part of 20 yrs. Thanks again for the input:cheers
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