US divers buckle

Bobby Fett UK

Well-Known Hunter
How the hell does this thing work? I cant seem to see how it will close and hold a belt?

I have a flap and a flat back plate with two slots? I know it is me but some one put an end to this stupidity :confused
the 2 slots in the buckle are where one side of the belt goes in...the webbing goes "up" into the inner slot, then back thru the outer slot...with me?
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pull that thru to where you want it...then, the other end of the belt goes thru the buckle, when opened up, and then pull the belt material thru the buckle to where you want it on your belly, then clamp the buckle down, and it should press against the strapping/webbing material of your belt and hold it there...:thumbsup:
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Thanks FettDad and Shocknurse. I see. It was the only way the front flap would have any effect I suppose. Will cut the seat belt from my car for the webbing - Wife's side obviously, safety first.
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