Gauging Interest: Stabilizer (aka Adjustment Knob)


Well-Known Hunter
UPDATE 11/17/08

RUN CANCELED as there was not enough interest (at least 20); may revist later.

:)Hi all,

Recently we were able to get our hands on a real Michell's turntable piece, aka Adjustment Knob, for a commissioned ESB RocketPack built and painted by Darthmiller.
Since there are a few of us here locally that wanted a copy, we had our CNC machinist make us all accurate copies...

Well after speaking with those involved, we have decided to "gauge interest" to see if there are others that may want a copy as well, as there are many of us that won't get their hands on a real piece.

  • This is one SOLID Aluminum this was the easiest way to reproduce it. So in terms of accuracy the Size and Shape are 100% spot on as you can see.
Unfortunately it does not have the top section that screws off, as that would have made our costs go up to replicate that one feature.......personally it's close enough for me.(y)

**Or if you want we can see if our machinist can do the two part feature on the knobs?? but I'm sure the cost will go up if we add that.

  • We are looking at about 30-35$ shipped (estimated)...and we are about 2 months away from even doing a run, again if there's enough interest.
If there is no interest (at least 20-25) then we will delete this thread.

Thoughts??...and Interests please.


  1. Mojo-Fett
  3. Bobamaker
  4. asok
  5. Darth_Nickel
  6. KaanE
  7. Grifter
  8. rdhawk
  9. stormtrooperguy
  10. Seven#1
  11. Seven#2
  12. cojake
  13. Novalltalon
  14. deadland
  15. FettFanatic
  16. BobaFettSlave1



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As that detail should be the same on a Kast pack as a Fett one (I assume, my TEOD comic should be here soon for reference), I'm interested.
Is that the image of a replica or the real one? If it's the replica, can you take a picture of them side by side to the real deal?

Thanks man
Is that the image of a replica or the real one? If it's the replica, can you take a picture of them side by side to the real deal?
Thanks man

No, that's the finished one... and plenty of comparisons coming...if the interest is there.;)

Initially we took measurements from Steve Sansweets gun (thanks Steve:D)...and determined that the one at the tip of his Pre-Pro Supertrooper gun was of a different model, as it was waaay too short...the measurements matched otherwise, just a different measured with a Digital Caliper/ Micrometer...
No, that's the finished one... and plenty of comparisons coming...if the interest is there.;)

Initially we took measurements from Steve Sansweets gun (thanks Steve:D)...and determined that the one at the tip of his Pre-Pro Supertrooper gun was of a different model, as it was waaay too short...the measurements matched otherwise, just a different measured with a Digital Caliper/ Micrometer...

Nice! bring it on! This is why is I've been waiting to finish off my ESB.

I'm pretty happy with mine, but if its from the real measurements I'm in. Here's a picture of mine compare to the real deal. Thanks to Braks for the comparison with the quarter.

Spidey - dont mind the images, I'm just a little excited. :D

What's a Quarter.... :confused:confused .... just kidding.

Count me in for one please.


I'm pretty happy with mine, but if its from the real measurements I'm in. Here's a picture of mine compare to the real deal. Thanks to Braks for the comparison with the quarter.

Spidey - dont mind the images, I'm just a little excited. :D

I'm pretty happy with mine, but if its from the real measurements I'm in. Here's a picture of mine compare to the real deal. Thanks to Braks for the comparison with the quarter.

Spidey - dont mind the images, I'm just a little excited. :D

That looks awesome Turo!!

We had to buy a new knurling tool to get the top just right...(y)...the cross-hatch was way to wide...

Here's another shot to help determine the width and size on a MOW pack of the over all piece and how it looks once mounted...(y)'s allot wider than previous makers have made, that's for sure.


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