Anyone seen or spoken to Ruffkintoy?

It cant be too difficult to keep in touch with people either. I've emailed him a couple times in the last month, and i havent heard a word back. I'm getting sick of all this, realy. I've asked him for a refund and sent him an email about it. No reply. It wont do any good to file a claim on PP either, elapsed time and all that jazz. I even sent him one of those bill thingy's on PP to perhaps get his attention.. dont think it even phazed him.

He's ruining his own reputation here by pulling this stuff, how long untill it starts to affect the rest of his business ?
Is there Anybody on this board who can reliably get ahold of him and at least direct him to this post ?
FettDad, You are right. I wasnt defending anyone here. I guess I have never been in the same position that you guys are in to truly know what it feels like. I really hope all pulls through and you all get what you paid for.
I ordered near the beginning of the year and got it within about a month and a half. I will always recommend him if you are willing to wait 6 weeks to 4 months to get it. If you dont know how to make the stuff yourself and dont want to pay a lot of money, Ruffkintoys is pretty much your only option. Which is why he is so busy. Dont pay if you dont wanna wait, and learn to make stuff on your own. Thats the only advice I can give.

And watch the caps locks on TDH, I've seen people get banned in threads like these...
Ruffkin Gauntlets are aweseome! I will always sing his praises.

The other nice thing. I lost a little piece, and for a few bucks he mailed me the replacement piece.

He's a great guy. I'm used to terribly eBay purchases so I wasn't upset with the communication!
I ordered near the beginning of the year and got it within about a month and a half. I will always recommend him if you are willing to wait 6 weeks to 4 months to get it. If you dont know how to make the stuff yourself and dont want to pay a lot of money, Ruffkintoys is pretty much your only option. Which is why he is so busy. Dont pay if you dont wanna wait, and learn to make stuff on your own. Thats the only advice I can give.

And watch the caps locks on TDH, I've seen people get banned in threads like these...

once again, someone defends the is not the waiting, is the lack of communication, and the lieing about stuff being ready to ship, and it not happening...why do people keep defending this guy? you keep saying make the stuff yourself...if you cant, then wait...waiting is not the problem!! problem=no communication + empty promises + lies about timeframe + lieing about stuff being ready.

you defenders of this guy need to read the post some has absolutely nothing to do with has to do with waiting 6 months when PROMISED 2-4 weeks, then being told that the stuff is ready to ship, and then it are blind because it didnt happen to you...if the guy tells me straight up front, "look, it will be 6 months to get your gauntlets..." , i then can make a decision on whether to go with his gauntlets or not...if he tells me 6 months, and doesnt come thru, then i should get a refund...:cheers(y) if he is that busy, and cant live up to promised timeframe, the solution is simple...stop taking orders brother!!
Its just a matter of luck I suppose. Every time I've emailed him I got a response and it was reasonably accurate. As to whats up with him lately, I guess its buyer beware! Which is unfortunate, but I agree he should indeed be upfront about his wait.
again we have no problem with the waiting ,why cant chuck be upfront instead of leading us on saying its a 2-4 weeks befor we get our stuff then no communications ect as FettDad said ealier !!!
Man, I am sorry to hear that this is still going on. Ruffkin has always been a stand up guy in the past. Obviously something has changed.

As I have said in many posts, on many boards, it's all about managing expectations. If people knew when things were coming then they could make a decision as to whether to wait or get their money back.

While I have heard nothing but good things about Ruffkin in the past (and I am sure that everyone will eventually get their orders) this kind of abuse is inexcusable. Sorry you guys are going through this.
Sing Ruffkins praises all you will. I went to him because of his excellent reputation, and was hoping (very much) to get to work with his products within the few weeks he promised. 5 months later i'm just wanting to get them, or a refund.

This whole situation is just.. tiring. If he was upfront with how long things would realy take him, we wouldnt even be discussing this situation. If he would communicate with people more frequently, we wouldnt be in this situation... period.
Sing Ruffkins praises all you will. I went to him because of his excellent reputation, and was hoping (very much) to get to work with his products within the few weeks he promised. 5 months later i'm just wanting to get them, or a refund.

This whole situation is just.. tiring. If he was upfront with how long things would realy take him, we wouldnt even be discussing this situation. If he would communicate with people more frequently, we wouldnt be in this situation... period.
you are blind because it didnt happen to you...

that is ENTIRELY untrue.

i have been "lied to" by just about everyone i've ever bought from in this hobby.

i've bought 2 jet packs from ruffkintoys and BOTH took WAY longer than estimated.... much, MUCH longer. and i rarely/ever got updates along the way. so this EXACT same thing happened to me TWICE with the same person. i think my gauntlets actually did come fast, but that's because i bought a set he had up on ebay rather than a direct order.

if you look at my fett suit, i'd say 3/4 of it took at LEAST 5 times longer than the seller told me. and there was almost never any communication after the money changed hands. and we're talking multiple artists over a period of years, and we're talking parts that cost WAY more than a set of vac formed gauntlets.

that's what i've been saying all along. i'm NOT defending chuck so much as i'm saying that it's an unfortunate fact of life in this hobby.

cry out all you want about it being wrong. it is wrong, no-one will deny that. it's just not likely to change any time soon. it's like raging against the economy being in the toilet. yeah, it's a pain, but it's not changing any time soon, so why get all worked up over it? i can complain about the economy all i want, but it's not going to actually make it recover ;)

that's why i say that if you don't like it, do it yourself. your options are, effectively, do it yourself or throw your $$ out there and hope for the best. if you can't/won't do the former, then you have to do the latter.
also remember that promises don't mean so much to everyone. don't impose your own beliefs/ethics/whatever on other people, or you'll be disappointed.

your suit/event/whatever may be very important to you, but it might not be all that important to the person with the molds, and that's the person with the power.

yeah, i'm feeling particularly cynical today.
that is ENTIRELY untrue.

i have been "lied to" by just about everyone i've ever bought from in this hobby.

i've bought 2 jet packs from ruffkintoys and BOTH took WAY longer than estimated.... much, MUCH longer. and i rarely/ever got updates along the way. so this EXACT same thing happened to me TWICE with the same person. i think my gauntlets actually did come fast, but that's because i bought a set he had up on ebay rather than a direct order.

if you look at my fett suit, i'd say 3/4 of it took at LEAST 5 times longer than the seller told me. and there was almost never any communication after the money changed hands. and we're talking multiple artists over a period of years, and we're talking parts that cost WAY more than a set of vac formed gauntlets.

that's what i've been saying all along. i'm NOT defending chuck so much as i'm saying that it's an unfortunate fact of life in this hobby.

cry out all you want about it being wrong. it is wrong, no-one will deny that. it's just not likely to change any time soon. it's like raging against the economy being in the toilet. yeah, it's a pain, but it's not changing any time soon, so why get all worked up over it? i can complain about the economy all i want, but it's not going to actually make it recover ;)

that's why i say that if you don't like it, do it yourself. your options are, effectively, do it yourself or throw your $$ out there and hope for the best. if you can't/won't do the former, then you have to do the latter.

you bark about us crying about waiting...dude, when i am told 2-4 weeks, and it is 6 months or longer, dude...c'mon...the seller should refund my money and have some integrity...the integrity comes in to play by being honest up front about the timeframe... and it goes way beyond us barking about is a matter of fact that people are being lied to, and it needs addressed...kudos for you for getting your stuff...but dont get onto to someone that feels cheated, stolen from, and lied to...that aint cool...if you tell me you are going to ship something the next day, and it is 3 months later when you actually ship, i dont care who you are, how patient you are, it is wrong...and people need to know to not buy from this guy.
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