Boushh Boushh Build, Skip's Pep


New Hunter
Hey all, thought I'd post up and share my progress so far on a Pepakura Boushh helmet build. Big thanks to Skip (skupilkinson), he was kind enough to model this for me, I'd been scouring the web for months looking for a halfway decent Boushh 3d model with no luck.

Boushh is for my wife for Halloween, I'm planning on throwing together a Boba Fett to keep her company. I've got a DP 96 (the one in the pics) I will eventually modify to look halfway decent. I am not planning on going all-out crazy for the Halloween projects, but I do have a feeling it will lead to the full-on Fett bug after that.

This is just the basic helmet, I haven't assembled and added the greeblies yet. Progress will slow to a crawl for a couple of weeks, I've got a bunch of things tying me up for a while, so I won't get much farther until mid-August. Scale is at 27cm, it's a little small for me at 5'5", but my wife is 5'1" and it looks better on her.





And here it is on me:

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Thanks guys!
And @MandalorFett: I plan on coating with inside of the cardstock with a couple layers of casting resin. Then I'll probably strip the paper layer off, then smooth it with Bondo... although I'm currently looking into alternatives to Bondo, I can't stand the stuff.

At least for Halloween, this will remain a plastic helmet. I do plan on making the leather flap in the back out of some pleather I found, but I don't intend to cover the snout with suede/ leather. I'll just try my best to match up paints to the pleather I found and add some weathering/ wear and tear.
Looks great buddy! Thanks for posting a thread here too! There's one other here who's posted a few pics of his build but this is the first Boushh thread from my templates.

Looking forward to seeing how the rest pans out buddy! ;)
Hey ruze789!

Looking good man - very smooth! If you dont mind me posting pics in your thread, Ive just finished my Boushh tonight... not 1/2 as smooth as yours and I know I made a few mistakes...

If its cool with you I'll upload the pics her - if not no worries :)

I can't wait to see how this comes out, I had just thought the other day about doing a Boussh once I finish my custom Mando :) please let us know about the fit! Curious as I'm tiny and had to size down the WOF templates.
You could use a very thin layer of resin, just so you can get the basic shape then peel the paper off. After that you could fiberglass it underneith for strength. Then you could use bondo or resin on the outside to clean it up.
Verdaera, being done in Pepakura, means the templates can easily be rescaled without having to alter the print settings like you do with PDFs. You can scale the helmet by either height(cm) or you can scale up or down by 10% as many times as you like.
I'm going with the casting resin because fiberglass and I do not get along at all, I've got a strong allergic reaction to it, I was looking into alternatives to fb and casting resin looks the most appealing...

Small photo update, I finished the pep assembly this weekend. It's getting shifted to the back burner for a little while, I've got another project to take care of before I get back to this one.



Wow I haven't updated this in ages!
Anyway, I've got a bit of work done on this.

First, the casting resin goes into the helmet:



I opted to scratch build the greeblies instead of pouring resin into those pep pieces. Mainly because I ran out of resin and wasn't sure if I wanted more. It may have been a mistake, it's catching up to me now.

Casting resin and pep work wonderfully together. The paper can be sanded and so can the plastic, so the sanding stage alone smooths a lot.



My pepakura unfolding job wasn't as good as it should have been, which led to some warping (lower left side of picture):

And here's where I'm at now, I started smoothing with spackle to see how it would work (the white areas), I'll get back to smoothing after I build my upper visor, scope, and ears:








Cant seem to open the pics... any chance of a direct link please? Very interested to see how this is working out for you mate!

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