Can anyone hook a brutha up with a FONT??


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UPDATE: Need a Star Wars FONT??

Hey everyone,
I recently purchased a new boat, and i'm getting ready to put its name on the back as one of my decals. The problem is, I don't have the "official Star Wars" FONT. I have a few that are close, but not the actual one. This may be the most important FONT to have for me, and sadly, I have not aquired it yet. Does anyone have it by chance?? I'd be happy to compensate you!!:cheers While I'm at it, how about the Philadelphia Eagles FONT too??
Any help would be appreciated, Thanks guys!!
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Check out the font called Star Jedi. It is a free font if you don't already have that one, you can find it at almost any font site. I checked my font files and that seems to be the only version I have left since my crash a couple months ago. It's not "official" but it's close.

After many hours of fruitless searching, I have hit the JackPot. I found ALL of the Star Wars FONTS that I could ever use. These are TTF files that are used in WINDOWS OS's. They can be found in the attached ZIP file.

FYI, there is a really cool FONT called FORCED ENTRY that is a different SW character for each key. The FETT MAN is under letter "P" and looks SWEET in an ESB pose and SLAVE1 is under the number "7".



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