UPDATE: Fettoo


Active Hunter
Hooray! I got the time to finally get started on my Boba tat. I'm getting the line work done tonight. I'm getting excited. I'm using a Gentle Giant bust for the design. It's going on my left shin.

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Great tat...
But if your a real fett head you'll and snaps to the ammo pouch..lol
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I just got home from the tattoo shop. It really didn't hurt as bad as I thought it would. Not that there weren't any "magical" spots. There a few details that arent there yet but I'll get those taken care of next round.

Nice! did you trace it off of a picture or freehand. Either way good luck in getting that.

I could have freehanded it but the image printed out the size I wanted it so I traced it on the backside on a light board and then mirrored it, and thanks.

nice cant wait to see it finish how much is that running you

It is actually a trade I made with the tattooist. I had something he wanted ant it was just collecting dust in my garage, so... But had I actually paid it would have pro'lly been around $400 to 450.

Here are some pics so far.


The stencil.


In the works.


The artist at work.


Line work done.


My leg from the knee down. So far.
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Ugh... Shin tattoos are my biggest fear.
I have extensive work all over my arms, chest, and ribcage, but I'm not sure I could ever sit through a shin tat.

Looking good so far.
Can't wait to see it finished!
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It was nothing compared to the knees and feet. If you have can handle your chest and ribcage you could handle the shin, piece of cake. However, now that I think about it... ask me in the morning.:lol:
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that is a great tattoo!! I like the fact you used the statue as reference, because the pose is just... Fett.

ha ha, little too much for me though, respect for doing that, Í had enough with just the skull logo on my upper arm...
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Hey T-Bone, that's awesome!!! Congrats on the awesome tattoo! Would you mind if I used your drawing/tracing to paint a new piece? If so do you have a hi-rez version you could send me?

Thanks bruv,

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Thanks all. It's a little tender this morning but being a redhead I've had sunburns that make this feel like a scratch. I just cant wait to color it now. Then start filling in around the rest of my leg, over time, that is. Then we finish the right leg. The artist and I talked a few ideas over and I think he's just as excited as I am. My wife just saw it for the first time this morning and she liked it too.

Hey T-Bone, that's awesome!!! Congrats on the awesome tattoo! Would you mind if I used your drawing/tracing to paint a new piece? If so do you have a hi-rez version you could send me?

Thanks bruv,


No problem. I'll shoot you the original scan of the traced drawing.
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Thanks all. It's a little tender this morning but being a redhead I've had sunburns that make this feel like a scratch. I just cant wait to color it now. Then start filling in around the rest of my leg, over time, that is. Then we finish the right leg. The artist and I talked a few ideas over and I think he's just as excited as I am. My wife just saw it for the first time this morning and she liked it too.

No problem. I'll shoot you the original scan of the traced drawing.

Dude! Thanks alot man! This will rock! I am finishing up one of the coolest paintings I have ever done, then I have to pump out some more Fett stuff, and this will be number 3 on the list.

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Just a small update. Finally got a little color added. I have to be honest. This time around it hurt like Hell in a few places.:cry At least one more sitting, probably two or three, and I'll be done for a while... maybe.:lol:


Color: Round One.
I think it's actually called "True Green." It's really dark, too dark, so we added a little yellow to lighten it up a little.

They were already talking about maybe sending a pic of it in to one of the tattoo mags when it is finished. When both legs are finally "sleeved" though they'll definitely send pics. I just need to finish filling the left one up, get a good line drawing of Slave Leia in the "Look how sexy" pose from ROTJ the posterfor the right shin, and then fill around it. We talked about maybe on my calves having the death star as a center piece on the left and and have it blowing up on the right. Arranging them so that when I put my legs together it looks makes a third death star with side blowing out of it. I dont know if it will work but the idea looks good in my head. Who knows what will end up happening though? It's a living WIP.
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