What does your sign on name stand for???

My last name is Boss-Walker and most of my family members have been called Bossy as a nickname at some stage. Bossywalker is just an amalgamtion of the two.
...but how did you get the name Brak's Buddy?:D:D:D

I am a huge fan of the shortlived Cartoon Network show, Cartoon Planet. My favorite character from that show is Zorak the Mantis. Unfortunately everywhere I looked the user name "Zorak" was taken. On the show, Zorak's best friend is Brak and Brak constantly calls Zorak his "buddy." Most people associate Brak's Buddy with Brak, but truly, Brak's buddy is Zorak.

I am a huge fan of the shortlived Cartoon Network show, Cartoon Planet. My favorite character from that show is Zorak the Mantis. Unfortunately everywhere I looked the user name "Zorak" was taken. On the show, Zorak's best friend is Brak and Brak constantly calls Zorak his "buddy." Most people associate Brak's Buddy with Brak, but truly, Brak's buddy is Zorak.


So why did you change it recently after all this time?
So why did you change it recently after all this time?

I changed it because some day I hope to do something with my photography efforts and many people on the forums weren't connecting my work with my real name. I miss the "Braks" user name but this way, there is less confusion about who I am and what I do.
I changed it because some day I hope to do something with my photography efforts and many people on the forums weren't connecting my work with my real name. I miss the "Braks" user name but this way, there is less confusion about who I am and what I do.

You should have just changed your legal name to "Braks Buddy":thumbsup:

I changed it because some day I hope to do something with my photography efforts and many people on the forums weren't connecting my work with my real name. I miss the "Braks" user name but this way, there is less confusion about who I am and what I do.

Makes sense to me :thumbsup: I've shot several weddings as well as a couple of other smaller gigs. It's a lot of fun, weddings can be a little stressful, but fun none the less. I love your logo, btw, it's very professional.
my name came about a few years back.. Me and a buddy at the time were starting a car club and since we did most of the work on our vehicles at night and always had a bit of a twisted mind we kinda just put two and two together. started using the name on aol and at the time couldn't have spaces so put the X in there... been using it for forums and the like ever since..
Mine is originally a name I made up for a character in a screenplay I wrote about 12 years ago. It's the name of my custom Mando and pretty much any SW character I make up. The full name is Jaiden Turr'n, but I can't figure out how to get my screen name changed to show that. :facepalm

My screen name is actually a nickname...and like any good nickname....it was given to me. At DCon 3 years ago I had a costume that included fangs. My name is Angela...my friends mostly call me Ang.....sooooo I became Fangela.....Fangelette.....FANGS for short.
Pothead! :lol: JK...

escho34 is a combo

I'm 100% Puerto Rican even though I get mistaken for Jewish or Italian...regardless people think I'm white...

Well, there is some crazy Spanish song my aunt used to sing to me when I was born and it had some word in it that sounded like Esto or something like that and then everyone just began calling me that I guess and then my uncle bought me this football jersey and it had ESCHO on the back in the name area???

Escho became Esh and it's stuck ever since. It gets crazy though because my real name is Ismael so people think Esh is really Ish which it isn't but I can see where they screw it up. Also, most people think Ismael is really Ishmael or Ishmail which are different spellings of my name but not the way I/We spell it...Confused yet?

34 is just my favorite # from hockey. I've played ice hockey since I was 8 and still do all the time. Growing up I was a huge NY Ranger fan and John Vanbiesbrouck was my favorite goal-tender. Obviously his # was 34 and it's been stuck with me ever since.

Well there you go, escho34. You can all just call me Esh though. Sorry for the long post and large pics but I'm just incorporating the "introduce yourself" thread since I never got a chance to. Hello!

BTW, did I mention that Fett Rulz? ESB!!! :lol:

The Beezer

Playing hockey with my team, The SkullCrushers!!!


Me in my officer and my fiance' in her Robin costume

In my TS at the Ronald McDonald House before the HOAE Premier

With the HOAE Crew
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I guess I just chose it because it was availible... Now I kinda want my username to be the same as my Roblox name, ZamWesell2622. 2622 is "Boba" in number form, right?
I guess I just chose it because it was availible... Now I kinda want my username to be the same as my Roblox name, ZamWesell2622. 2622 is "Boba" in number form, right?
Fettistics is fett and statistics merged into one at one point I really did have a reason for it but over time it was lost in translation
theres alot of cool names and thought put into there sign in names. since im new mine is mearly just a knockoff of uncle fester from the adams family.
but a cool flick none the less.
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