Weble Flare Gun OTW


Well-Known Hunter
I purchased a very nice webley last week. It cost me a pretty penny. All matching serials. 97% mint.

It will be taking a silicone bath and ill be working on getting a kit together. No way am i carrying around the real thing:) Ill be starting the builds on the greeble pieces etc this week. I wont have it in hand within the next 10-4 days, as I have to do some things, like get a permit to own it first.

Im very excited, and ill have closeups to come once its in hand.

And no, im not worried that it was a scam, as I purchased it from the largest auction house in the country:)


Im thinking im going to do this in ultralight hard rubber, in multiple pieces.

Any help and input would be greatly appreciated.

I havent even decided if i want esb or rotj yet:)
wow man....nice buy!!! and ya know....i really think you want to do both...;) but if you have to decide, i would saaaay....esb....ya...definantly, definantly esb...ya...
I do want to do both:) but I want it to be right. so i need to really take my time on each one.

You cant learn everything you want to learn about both at the same time. or your brain explodes, and you become like GW.
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