
New Hunter
Hello Everyone,

Just joined the club, I'm putting togheter a Boba Fett ROTJ display, I have all the armor parts, helmet and boots I just need all the soft parts and aluminum detaling, I've seen a few offerings here but I also found this guy on ebay "revolutiontoysshops" he offers everything I need, what do you guys think? I'm no expert but looks fairly accurate and good quality to me, he might be a member, I want as accurate as possible.

here's the link

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hey bud, welcome aboard!!! around here the rule of thumb is...stay away from ebay i am not saying they are not quality, or would do your purposed well...just from experience and what i have seen here, ebay stuff can really go suggestion is, list exactly what you need, and post it up in the cargo hold, and i guarentee that someone, a vendor, will help ya out...get to know some people, and always, always check up on someone selling stuff...members you can go to include...myself...of course...;) mojofett, sixxgun, asok, lostsonofsparda, jango72, dougiefett, mandalorefett, and the list goes on...these guys are full of info, experience and know exactly where to go for any of your needs...hope you have fun, that is the bottom line...ebay just really can screw ya up...(y)
gfollano, That name sounds familiar. ;) Anyways, I do believe he is a member here. Some of his stuff looks pretty good and some of it is so so. I would avoid ebay at least until you have done your homework. Dang near everbody here (myself included) has purchased stuff on ebay that looks good to our unlearned eye to only discover several months later that it is not accurate. It really sucks buying something twice.

I have learned a tremendous amount of patience doing this project. I would recommend spending a few months on here and occasionally jumping on some of the runs of props that happen on here. As you learn who is who and what is what in the way of accessories and props, you can look on ebay a little as well. By then you will start to recognize what is the good stuff from the bad. I purchased my helmet kit on ebay as well as some of my alluminum parts and lucked out. I have seen tons of terrible helmets on ebay. They looked decent at first, but after spending several months on here looking at all of the reference material, I could see how bad some of them are.

If you must buy now, at the very least, try the search function about the seller or the type of prop. Might just save you some heartache as well as your cash. There are lots of people on here willing to help. Good luck.
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I tend to only buy from here now....I bought a good set of armor off ebay. Well, i though it was good when I was a noob. But after staring at Fett pic after pic I now know and had to rework alot of stuff. SOme parts I had to even scrap all together. I have had some bad experiences out there, which sucks because I am sure there are some honest sellers out there but there are also alot of people trying to rip you off. Just look out and when in doubt buy here.

for your soft pars Ladeysewsforus. I bought my stuff from here and GREAT stuff there! YOu can find cheaper on ebay but compared to her work it dosent even come close.

Cheers and welcome!
welcome aboard
Nice to see you made it over from the RPF & funny that people almost recognize you.

I know you want specific advice on a ebay seller, & I don't have anything to offer on that since I have not dealt with them myself.

But, use the search function & see if anything turns up
Also, you could change the thread title to include the sellers name
You might get a few more responses.

Aside from that,
stay a while,
look around ,
and make informed decisions on whom to by from.
You'll be glad you did later.
Welcome aboard, GF! Here's a step by step approach to getting your Boba Fett costume together:
  1. Send Madmartigan a full set of GF trooper armor with hero helmet
  2. Madmartigan becomes GF's Boba Fett assembly slave

See! Simple. :D

Seriously, let us know what we can do to help. You can search for my ROTJ SE edition thread for a list of my parts and my progress to date to give you an idea of great suppliers. A lot of it is simply asking questions and watching The Cargo Hold. eBay? eeehh....hit or miss there.

Good luck!!
Agree with all the sentiments posted thus far. For the $$$ that seller is asking for, you can easily find some top quality soft parts from LadySewforus, BobaMaker, Loanstar, SkyGunBro, and the list goes on.

I will say that Fenix Props on eBay has top quality aluminum parts and his prices are very reasonable. Shipping is quick and easy. Very happy with his stuff as I have a machined missle, gaunt darts, and jet pack beacon and stabilizer.

Good luck and welcome aboard!
Nice to see you made it over from the RPF & funny that people almost recognize you.

almost? i know who he is... i still miss my old GF helmet! ;)

personally, i'd remain skeptical of that ebay seller unless some folks chime in with personal experience. the stuff looks nice enough, but it's not "right" (imo).

the vest there is listed as microfiber satin, where the real one was tackle twill. i can't place it exactly, but something doesn't sit right with me visually on the vest either.

i'd suggest going with someone one the board here that is known and trusted. there are a few folks who make excellent stuff, and i'm sure they'll chime in, and/or someone will pm you with contact info.
Per CoC, posting information and/or links to a live online auction (i.e. Ebay, Yahoo!, etc) is prohibited except when you are the seller in the auction. You can post the photo to the auction.
GF - it's nice to see you on the dent as well.

I've not been around as long as some people here, but I have received items from both crazy4BobaFett and LadySewforus. Both did/do AMAZING work. My most recent purchase was a neck seal from LadySewforus. Debbi did an OUTSTANDING job on it and I would highly recommend her. Her service/communication - tops. You will be pleased. I believe both do the full run of soft parts that you will need.

For Alum parts - see Russrep (I'm sure you know how to contact him) or Serenity. From studs to toe spikes.. they have them all (most of the time, from what I've seen).

If you need leather work/soft parts, you need to talk to 99centTaco. I've been more than pleased with the items I've purchased from him. Great guy to work with, top quality work.

Just my 2 cents. Hope this helps.
remember there is a seller on ebay that kicks serious butt!!! his name is Cucblack if you wanna see what a completed costume with Cucblack parts just check Dougie Fett's ROTJ SE Fett. it is sooo nice!!! I wish he was a fellow member here so I could recommend him even more!! but I do agree with the others too you cant beat the venders on this forum either!!
Thank you all for the very nice welcome, much appreciated!

I already started my homework and will definetely buy my stuff here, everything I've seen looks top notch.

Hi GFollano

Im Gabriel from Evolution, in any i can help to you or any one that need to ask ... please feel free to contact me !


Hey GF! Good to see you over here. Having the best Vader isn't enough? :D

For soft parts, I'd highly recommend LadySewforus here on the board. She does great work at a great price.

Good luck!

I'm a newbie too...and like the suggestion of post a laundry list in the cargo hold...I guess I have to wait since im new....I' keep replying to post in till i get into the "hold" there a formal list of items for the ROTJ or ESB suits?
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