Hey.. Im new here.

Cassus Fett

New Hunter
Hey everyone.. Im Cassus Fett normally known as Sam, im friends with the ever so lovely Flo Fett. Im hoping to either learn how to make my own costume or find someone kind enough to help me create it.

Im currently doing my training as an RAF Firefighter, so i dont get much chance to get on the net as often as i used to so i'll be prob posting on here most weekends that i can get back home.

hey bud, Sam, welcome!! so gald you are a here!! you will grow to love this place, and everyone is so willing to help in anyway they can...and they will, for sure...however you want to go, build yourself, have us help you build from scratch, whatever, this IS where you want to be...ebay, starfortress, etc, just dont have what is offered here...the quality, professionalism, all of that is beyond compare at TDH...first thing you have to decide is are you wanting to do it yourself, or spend the money to have others make the items for you, even paint if you want...the more you do yourself, the more you will save financially, but the more you will spend time wise...there are all different levels of prices too...but it is a long term committment to complete, if done right...dont sprint, jog, and your fett experience will be the most satisfying and gratifying one ever...if you need anything, just give me a shout, and i, and others will help all we can...:thumbsup:
What you mean behave i always behave myself. lol

Thanks FettDad, im thinking about going down the Neo-Mandalorian route, and at the moment i havent got much time so i'd might have to opt for the pay someone else option.
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