Plz Comment, MR revamp

can post pics now :thumbsup:

Fett 9.jpg

Fett 10.jpg
Update: AT-visor came yesterday. today i have it set about there i want it temporarily with light glue & duct tape in case anything needs changing i also haven't decided what method i want to use to keep the darn thing in there. Let me know that ya think. if theres anything you feel should be changed please say so. here be the pic's thanks,
ps: Thanks Brian for recommending taking the old visor and using it to make a template for the new one. worked like a charm.:thumbsup:

Fett 11.jpg

Fett 12.jpg
first a before shot of fix #1 for comparison
Final shaping of the helmet is finished and the T-visor has been installed. all thats left is a chinstrap & paintjob.

MR boba helmet.jpg

fett hlemet.jpg

fett helmet2.JPG

fett helmet3.JPG

fett helmet4.JPG

Fett 15.jpg
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Adding a picture per request of the inside of the helmet to show the aluminum bar giving the helmet added flare. its JB welded in there. Also im going to soon be removing the prepro paint job that will be replaced by the ESB paintjob.
anyone got any ideas on removing the paint job as so not to damage the helmet. im afraid to use sand paper as i think it would remove some more detail, especially in the dent area. so any ideas would be very helpful

fett helmet5.jpg
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for you guys that want to keep the liner, all you really have to do is pull the liner about 2inches back where needed. its only going to be a bit of a pain if you remove the extra lip as it makes it alot harder to see what your doing. but you can do it if your careful. the main reason i removed it is because i plan to troop with it every nw & then and its ALOT cooler (temp wise) with out the padded black liner in there. and enables me to stick a fan up in there if i so choose.

PM replied to

on the acetone. is that stuff safe for resin. as the MR helmet is not actually fiberglass but resin(it has a fiberglassed inside)
for you guys that want to keep the liner, all you really have to do is pull the liner about 2inches back where needed. its only going to be a bit of a pain if you remove the extra lip as it makes it alot harder to see what your doing. but you can do it if your careful. the main reason i removed it is because i plan to troop with it every nw & then and its ALOT cooler (temp wise) with out the padded black liner in there. and enables me to stick a fan up in there if i so choose.

PM replied to

on the acetone. is that stuff safe for resin. as the MR helmet is not actually fiberglass but resin(it has a fiberglassed inside)

check out fettpride's comments in the MR thread from a while back
Awesome BFS! Trying to get my grubby hands on a MR as we speak. I hope to do something similar with the T-pinch as you have, also might go for a bit of the Clint Eastwood "squinty-ness" displayed on repaints of Jango helmets as was mention on another thread. Dont know how I'm gonna pull that off, but that's a ways on down the road.
Great job, bro!

( :eek: just realized that a 'T-pinch' sounds like some kind of a move.. oh well:wacko)

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OK well seeing as im out of projects to work on for the time being i decided to finally go ahead with the stripping of this paint job. people are not kidding when they say its a pain in the rear to strip one of these helmets. ive been at it for roughly 50 min and only have the front and about 3/4ths of the dome stripped. i still have to do the back & the ears as well, although i might be replacing those. im also going to need another t visor as it cracked during its removal. the Acetone is nasty stuff the fumes are killing me. the rate the stuff evaporates all there is in the room is fumes, lol
once all the paints done im going to be reshaping some of the scratches as they look pretty poor on this helmet

But... what material have they used for the top layer? it looks like a white rubber, isn't it?

Thanks! :thumbsup:

Nice work, and nice bucket too ;)
its a weird Bone color type of resin. the yellow filler they used is weird too. real clean stuff. ide like to know what they used. also to anyone planning on doing this be careful when removing the mq1 board. i ended up damaging my key slots as they are not fiberglass reinforced. i can fix it though so it shouldn't be a problem
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